第三出 献发
[1] 攧窨(diān yìn):挫折,指被谴。
[2] 长门隔,永巷深:长门宫,指失宠的后妃所居的地方;永巷,有罪的宫女的禁闭处。
[3] 未免嫌疑生抱衾:未免因抱衾而生嫌疑。
[4] 当今:称在位的皇帝。
[5] 上林:上林苑,御花园。以宫花喻贵妃。
[6] 《花落》:乐曲名,即《梅花落》。
[7] 不犹:不同平常,比平常坏。
[8] 九天:九重天。
[9] 横枝:枒杈,喻虢国夫人。
[10] 丹凤衔书:指赦免的圣旨。
[11] 全仗你寄我殷勤:全靠你把我的殷勤之意寄去。
[12] 中官:太监。
[13] 伊行:她。
[14] 纵差池:纵然有了过失。差池,即参差、不齐义。
[15] 多谢连枝特过存:多谢姐姐们特地来慰问我。
Scene 3 A Lock of Hair
(Prime Minister Yang enters hurriedly.)
Yang: The weather fair may turn windy outright;
Weal turns to woe when morning turns to night.
I am Prime Minister Yang. Since my cousin became the emperor’s favorite, our power has grown daily. Who could foretell that this morning news would come that she had offended the emperor and has been dismissed from the palace, and that the eunuch Gao is bringing her home in a single carriage. This is a terrible blow! I must go to the gate to meet them. (Exit.)
(Enter Gao leading the way of Lady Yang’s carriage.)
Lady Yang sings to the tune of “Gazing on my Homeland”:
Fickle are our sovereign’s ways.
Where is his favor of those former days?
His favorite put suddenly apart,
How could he be so hard at heart!
Banished, I feel so desolate
To be severed by the Long Gate.
How deep’s the lonely lane!
As I look back, from grief can I refrain?
(The prime minister enters.)
Yang (Greeting her): Your Ladyship!
Gao: After Your Grace has shown Her Ladyship in, I would like to have a word with you.
Yang: Attendants, tell the maids to take Her Ladyship to the back hall.
(Maids enter, help Lady Yang out of the carriage and lead her off.)
(Greeting Gao): Be seated, my lord. Would you please tell me how this happened?
Gao sings to the tune of “A Message”:
Our Lady Yang did win
The greatest favor of our sovereign.
Of inner palace she was at the head;
At night she served alone the imperial bed.
But she offended yesterday the royal heart —
I know not how — and like two stars now they’re apart.
If I may speak bluntly, Your Grace,
Her Ladyship’s inclined to be self-willed;
With jealousy her heart’s unduly filled.
Yang: But what can be done now that she is banished?
Gao: You had better go to court to apologize for her, and see how this can be remedied.
Yang: I shall depend on you to put a word,
So by our sovereign it will be heard.
Gao: You can count on me.
Together: Again the palace flower
Must bloom in royal bower.
Gao: I will take my leave now.
Yang: I am coming with you.
(Calling to an attendant): Tell the maids to look after Her Ladyship well.
(An attendant’s assent can be heard offstage.)
The magpie goes together with crow.
I do not know if it is weal or woe. (They leave.)
(Enter Lady Yang with a maid.)
Lady Yang sings to the tune of “Incense Burning” :
Out of the palace gate,
My soul is filled with fears.
My dress is stained with grief, my face with tears.
But how can I express
My heart’s distress!
I pity my sad fate
And my pretty face,
And I regret imperial grace.
“Imperial favor goes as water eastward flows.
Whether it’s won or lost, you are alike in woes.
Don’t sing before wine-cups the song of flower’s fall!
The chilly wind is hidden west of palace hall.”
Since I went to the palace, I had received such high imperial favor that I thought I could rely on it and enjoy it from year to year. Who would anticipate I was so unlucky as to offend His Majesty and to be sent back in a carriage! Out of the palace, I feel far from him as earth from heaven. (Shedding tears) The bright moon over the palace shall no more see my shadow now; a flower fallen out of the royal garden can never return to the bough. How can I not mourn over my fate! Wiping tears on my sleeves, I still feel an unconsolable grief.
(Singing to the tune of “Weeping Pomegranate Flower” )
When I caress
My silken dress,
I can still tell
Imperial smell.
How can I thank, above
All, the emperor for his love?
I shared his spring delight
From morning to night;
(Changing to the tune of “Weeping a Scholar”)
How could I know he’d not bring shower
For my thirsting flower?
In former days the sovereign
To my every whim would give in.
Who knows a sister bough would come athwart
To set entwined branches apart!
(To the maid): Tell me from where can I see the palace!
Maid: From the pavilion in front, if you look northwest, Your Ladyship will see the palace wall.
Lady Yang: Come with me to the pavilion.
Maid: Yes, my lady. (They ascend the pavilion.)
Lady Yang: The western palace out of sight,
My heart’s broken on the height.
Maid (Pointing): Do you see those yellow glazed tiles over there, my lady? Isn’t that the palace?
Lady Yang in tears sings to the same tune:
I can’t refrain from shedding tears,
While gazing on Celestial Spheres.
They seem so nigh,
But veiled in cloud on high.
Last night I lay in phoenix-curtained bed,
Hoping His Majesty’d relent and turn his head.
But Heaven’s cruel as his heart,
Though young, I lost his favor, put apart.
Maid (Pointing): There in the distance I can see a eunuch on horse back. He may be coming to call you back, my lady.
Lady Yang (Sighing):
This cannot be good news brought by the phoenix bird.
I fear the crow’s ill omen might be heard.
(As she descends the steps, Gao enters.)
Gao: I come in secret to tell the lady lovelorn:
His Majesty still pines for her night and morn.
(Greeting her): Your servant, Madame.
Lady Yang: What brings you here again, my lord?
Gao: Just now when I reported your return to His Majesty, he asked me all that had happened here as if he regretted what had taken place. He is sitting alone, heaving sigh on sigh, and he must be longing for you; so I come to report this to Your Ladyship.
Lady Yang: Ah! No, how could he be still longing for me?
Gao: Forgive me if I dare advise you, madame, not to be obstinate.Have you anything which you could give me to take back to His Majesty? You never know, but it might move his heart.
Lady Yang: What can I send him, my lord?
(Thinking, she sings to the tune of “Happy Fishing Lantern”.)
What can I send to show my love and move his heart?
The royal gifts apart,
I have but streams of tears which roll
Like pearls to rend the soul.
How can I string such pearls with golden thread
And send as gift on carved plate red?
Ah, yes, I have got it! This lock of glossy hair
Once lay on the pillow near his head;
I used to comb it on which he fixed his stare.
(To the maid): Bring me the mirror and the golden scissors from my dressing table!
(The maid brings the scissors, while Lady Yang lets down her hair.)
Lady Yang sings to the tune of “Pride of Fishermen”:
O hair, O hair!
How can I bear
To cut you of which adorn
My head at early morn!
But, if with you I do not part,
How can I show my faithful heart? (Clipping her hair, holding the lock and weeping)
O hair, O hair! Can I depend on you
To please imperial view? (Curtseying)
Your Majesty, this lock cut from my head
Conveys of broken heart the grievous thread.
Take it, my Lord, and tell His Majesty (Weeping) I know I deserve a thousand deaths, and as I shall never look upon his celestial countenance again in this life, I present him with this lock of hair as a token of my love.
(Gao takes the lock of hair and places it on his shoulder.) Gao: Take heart, my lady. I shall leave you now.
Depending on this lock of hair like silken thread
They’ll reunite till age snows white hair on their head. (Exit.)
(Lady Yang sits weeping. The Duchesses of Han and of Guo enter.)
Duchesses sing to the tune of “Pomegranate Flower Lantern”:’Tis said our sister has offended His Majesty;
She has to come back to our family.
We hear our cousin out of favor stay;
We don’t know what the eunuch has to say.
(Walking in) Where is Her Ladyship?
(A maid announces the arrival of the two duchesses. Lady Yang, weeping, says nothing.)
Han: Don’t distress yourself so! (Weeping with her)
Guo: That day in the vernal palace His Majesty was in a good humor. How could this have happened?
(Singing to the tune of “Pride of Fishermen”)
I thought your happiness would not be ended;
I thought you could laugh or sulk all day long.
I thought the emperor’d not be offended
Whatever you might do, right or wrong.
Han (To Guo): Sister, do not say such things any more;
(To Lady Yang): Tell us what had happened before.
(Lady Yang pretends not to have heard.)
Guo sings to the tune of “Silver Lantern”:
Sister, excuse me if I frankly speak;
Though in high favor, you’d learn to be meek,
Or favor could to trouble lead.
Do you not know indeed
The emperor’s love is like autumn leaves:
If you displease him, his displeasure grieves.
Duchesses sing to the tune of “Wild Geese’s Song”:
We come to show our sisterly concern.
Why should you turn
Us a deaf ear
As if you would not hear?
Lady Yang sings to the tune of “Epilogue”:
Discarded like a fan in autumn breeze,
I’m grateful for your concern, but ill at ease.
Though preyed on by a thousand griefs, I’ll keep
In my heart my sorrow deep. (Exit.)
Guo (To Han): Well, sister! See how she treats us!
Han: Yes, indeed. We came to see her, but she has something on her mind and won’t listen to us. Next time when you go to vernal palace, sister, be sure not to behave like that!
Epilogue of the Scene
Guo (Blushing): Today we see her come down from celestial gate.
Hah: When face to face, how can we not feel desolate!
Guo: She’s ridiculous to see while we stand by.
Hah: Don’t thrust out jealous tongue and cast an envious eye!