
I looked and looked at her, and knew as clearly as I know I am to die, that I loved her more than anything I had ever seen or imagined on earth ,..I insist the world know how much I loved my Lolita,this Lolita,pale and polluted,and big with another’s child,but still gray-eyed..I would go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of her dear wan face..“我望着她,望了又望。一生一世,全心全意,我最爱的就是她,可以肯定,就象自己必死一样肯定…苍白、混俗、臃肿,腹中的骨肉是别人的。但我爱她…她可以褪色,可以枯萎,怎样都可以。但我只望她一眼,万般柔情,便涌上心头……”.
