
domesticate 英 [dəˈmestɪkeɪt] 美 [dəˈmestɪkeɪt]


Habitations, fences, domesticated animals, men, women, children, and the soil that bore them–all worn out.
出自英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)所著的长篇历史小说《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities)。该小说以法国大革命为背景,情节感人肺腑,是世界文学经典名著之一。其主要思想是为了爱而自我牺牲,书名中的“双城”指的是巴黎与伦敦。


[verb] tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or on a farm
[动词] 驯服(动物)并将其作为宠物或放在农场饲养


Domesticate 一词源自拉丁语 domesticus (属于家庭的),17世纪30年代进入英语后开始用来表示将动物“转为家庭使用”,即今义“驯养、驯化”动物,也可以用来形容植物,即“驯化、培育”植物或农作物,比如:

  • 他们驯养了一条恶犬来帮他们打猎。
    They domesticated a vicious dog to help them with hunting.

除了驯养动物以外,有意思的是, domesticate 也可以用来诙谐地形容人,表示“使爱家、使精于家务”或“恋家、常在家住”,比如:

  • 习性淘气的孩子很难做好家务活。
    Children with mischievous propensities are very hard to domesticate.
  • 那个贪心的人仍然非常喜欢到处漫游,难以在家住定。
    The covetous man was still filled with wanderlust, unable to domesticate.

另外值得注意的是, domesticate 在经济文化方面还可以引申指“(外国公司)取得法人资格”或“将外来风俗习惯引入本国使用”,比如:

  • started to domesticate European customs


  • The way to make supply chains more resilient is not to domesticate them, which concentrates risk and forfeits economies of scale, but to diversify them.
  • If we want to take these ideas seriously, we shouldn’t domesticate them to our own way of thinking.


domesticate” 这个单词的中文解释是 “驯养” 或者 “使家化”。

以下是包含 “domesticate” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. domesticate animals – 驯养动物
  2. Successfully domesticate – 成功驯化
  3. Efforts to domesticate – 驯养的努力
  4. domesticate wild species – 驯养野生物种
  5. Attempt to domesticate – 尝试驯化
  6. Domesticating pets – 驯养宠物
  7. Techniques to domesticate – 驯养技术
  8. Domesticating farm animals – 驯养农场动物
  9. Process of domesticating – 驯养过程
  10. History of domesticating – 驯养历史
  11. Domesticating plants – 驯化植物
  12. Domesticating livestock – 驯养家畜
  13. Efforts to domesticate crops – 驯养农作物的努力
  14. Successfully domesticate species – 成功驯化物种
  15. Attempt to domesticate wild animals – 尝试驯养野生动物
  16. Challenges in domesticating – 驯养的挑战
  17. Process of domesticating animals – 驯养动物的过程
  18. domesticate for companionship – 驯养作为伴侣
  19. domesticate for agricultural purposes – 驯养用于农业目的
  20. domesticate for work – 驯养用于工作
  21. domesticate for food – 驯养用于食物
  22. domesticate for research – 驯养用于研究
  23. Attempt to domesticate new species – 尝试驯养新物种
  24. Techniques to domesticate animals – 驯养动物的技术
  25. domesticate for scientific study – 驯养用于科学研究
  26. domesticate for experimental purposes – 驯养用于实验目的
  27. Domesticating exotic animals – 驯养异国动物
  28. Domesticating wild plants – 驯养野生植物
  29. domesticate for conservation efforts – 驯养用于保护工作
  30. domesticate for cultural reasons – 驯养出于文化原因
  31. domesticate for educational purposes – 驯养用于教育目的
  32. domesticate for entertainment – 驯养用于娱乐
  33. Process of domesticating crops – 驯养农作物的过程
  34. domesticate for medical research – 驯养用于医学研究
  35. domesticate for breeding – 驯养用于繁育
  36. Techniques to domesticate plants – 驯养植物的技术
  37. domesticate for scientific experimentation – 驯养用于科学实验
  38. domesticate for therapeutic purposes – 驯养用于治疗目的
  39. domesticate for conservation programs – 驯养用于保育计划
  40. Process of domesticating animals – 驯养动物的过程
  41. domesticate for wildlife management – 驯养用于野生动物管理
  42. domesticate for genetic research – 驯养用于基因研究
  43. domesticate for educational displays – 驯养用于教育展示
  44. Attempt to domesticate exotic species – 尝试驯养异国物种
  45. Techniques to domesticate wild animals – 驯养野生动物的技术
  46. domesticate for cultural preservation – 驯养用于文化保护
  47. domesticate for sustainable agriculture – 驯养用于可持续农业
  48. Process of domesticating plants – 驯养植物的过程
  49. domesticate for therapeutic purposes – 驯养用于治疗目的
  50. domesticate for conservation programs – 驯养用于保育计划


tame: domesticate (an animal)
subdue: overcome, quieten, or bring under control (a feeling or person)
subjugate: bring under domination or control, especially by conquest

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
