

myopic 英 [maɪˈɒpɪk] 美 [maɪˈɑːpɪk]


The myopic digital calculation of coins, eructation consequent upon repletion.
出自爱尔兰现代主义作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。《尤利西斯》作为意识流小说的代表作,被誉为20世纪百大英文小说之首,并被奉为20世纪最伟大的小说。


[adjective] nearsighted
[形容词] 近视的


Myopic 一词由 myopia (近视)+形容词后缀 -ic 构成,其基本含义为“近视的、看不远的”,相对于英式英语常用的 shortsighted 和美式英语常用的 nearsighted 而言, myopic 较为正式,比如:

  • 她稍微有点儿近视,但她和其他精明的女商人一样外表时髦,举止优雅。
    She is slightly myopic, but she is as sleek and elegant as any other shrewd businesswoman.

同 shortsighted 一样, myopic 也很自然地从近视这个概念引申出“目光短浅的、缺乏远见的”的含义,比如:

  • 政府在开支问题上仍然目光短浅和满不在乎。
    The Government still has a myopic and complacent attitude to spending.
  • 他们目光短浅,不肯现在行动,使得未来一片渺茫。
    Their myopic refusal to act now makes the future look grim.

另外,近视的人除了可以用 a myopic person 表示以外,还可以用专门的单词 myope 表示。


  • Start with short-termism. The fear that capitalism is too myopic has a long history.
  • The percentage of myopic people was also higher among university graduates than among graduates of vocational schools or those who had no professional training at all.


myopic (my OPP ik) From the Greek word for “nearsighted,” this adjec-tive can be used both literally and figuratively. Someone who needs glasses because they cannot see clearly at a distance is “myopic,” but so is someone who is “short-sighted” and “lacks long-range perspective.”

  • Because she was so myopic, Ramona couldn’t see more than two feet in front of her nose and had to wear thick lenses to correct her vision.
  • “Don’t be so myopic,” advised the Millers’ stockbroker. “It’s foolish to put all of your money in high-tech stocks because they are popular right now. You’ve got to think about which industries will be successful in the years to come.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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近视(my OPP ik)从希腊语中的“近视”一词,这个形容词既可以用在字面上,也可以用在比喻上。因为在远处看不清楚而需要戴眼镜的人是“近视”,但“近视”和“缺乏远视”的人也是如此


myopic” 通常用来形容近视的,也可以引申为缺乏远见的。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Nearsighted myopic – 近视的
  2. Correcting myopic vision – 纠正近视视力
  3. myopic eye condition – 近视眼状况
  4. myopic prescription – 近视处方
  5. myopic glasses – 近视眼镜
  6. myopic view of the world – 对世界的近视看法
  7. myopic progression – 近视进展
  8. Severe myopic – 严重近视的
  9. myopic children – 近视儿童
  10. myopic degeneration – 近视退化
  11. Nearsighted myopic – 近视的
  12. Correcting myopic vision – 纠正近视视力
  13. myopic eye condition – 近视眼状况
  14. myopic prescription – 近视处方
  15. myopic glasses – 近视眼镜
  16. myopic view of the world – 对世界的近视看法
  17. myopic progression – 近视进展
  18. Severe myopic – 严重近视的
  19. myopic children – 近视儿童
  20. myopic degeneration – 近视退化
  21. Nearsighted myopic – 近视的
  22. Correcting myopic vision – 纠正近视视力
  23. myopic eye condition – 近视眼状况
  24. myopic prescription – 近视处方
  25. myopic glasses – 近视眼镜
  26. myopic view of the world – 对世界的近视看法
  27. myopic progression – 近视进展
  28. Severe myopic – 严重近视的
  29. myopic children – 近视儿童
  30. myopic degeneration – 近视退化
  31. Nearsighted myopic – 近视的
  32. Correcting myopic vision – 纠正近视视力
  33. myopic eye condition – 近视眼状况
  34. myopic prescription – 近视处方
  35. myopic glasses – 近视眼镜
  36. myopic view of the world – 对世界的近视看法
  37. myopic progression – 近视进展
  38. Severe myopic – 严重近视的
  39. myopic children – 近视儿童
  40. myopic degeneration – 近视退化
  41. Nearsighted myopic – 近视的
  42. Correcting myopic vision – 纠正近视视力
  43. myopic eye condition – 近视眼状况
  44. myopic prescription – 近视处方
  45. myopic glasses – 近视眼镜
  46. myopic view of the world – 对世界的近视看法
  47. myopic progression – 近视进展
  48. Severe myopic – 严重近视的
  49. myopic children – 近视儿童
  50. myopic degeneration – 近视退化


purblind: having impaired or defective vision
parochial: having a limited or narrow outlook or scope
insular: ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one’s own experience

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
