Du Mu Poem: Spring on the Southern Rivershore – 杜牧《江南春》









[1] 《千家诗》注说:“此言江南春色之丽也。千里莺啼,园林相接,红绿相映,而水村山郭,旗亭酒肆,相望而鳞次。南朝自梁时而大兴佛,僧寺四百八十,迄今犹盛。楼台殿宇之多,烟林花雨之景,而六朝佳丽,宛然犹在目前也。”南朝指宋齐梁陈等朝代,那时佛教兴盛,僧寺庙宇众多,可见古代政治兼容并蓄,佛道儒三教鼎立,和平共处,造就了今天的传统文化。

[2] 绿映红:绿树红花相互映衬。

[3] 水村山郭:指依山傍水的村庄和城市。郭,外城。

[4] 酒旗:酒店的招牌,俗称酒帘。

[5] 南朝:指南北朝时期,宋、齐、梁、陈四朝。

[6] 四百八十寺:泛指众多的寺庙。南朝皇帝大都信奉佛教,兴建了大量的佛寺。

[7] 楼台:指寺院的建筑。


Spring on the Southern Rivershore

Du Mu

Orioles sing amid red blooms and green trees,

By hills and rills wineshop streamers wave in the breeze.

Four hundred eighty splendid temples still remain

Of Southern Dynasties in the mist and the rain.



“Spring on the Southern Rivershore” is a seven-part poem written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem not only depicts the bright spring light of Jiangnan, but also recreates the scenery of the smoky and drizzly buildings in Jiangnan, which makes the scenery of Jiangnan even more magical and enchanting. The enchanting Jiangnan, with the poet’s delicate brushstrokes, is even more exciting. The four lines of this poem are all scenic, with many images and scenery, including plants and animals, sounds and colors, and scenery from near and far, combining movement and stillness, each with its own characteristics. The poem depicts a vivid, colorful and bold painting of spring in the south of the Yangtze River in a light-hearted and generalized language, presenting a deep and beautiful mood and expressing a deep and subtle thought, which has been well known for thousands of years.
