Wang Qi Poem: Visiting a Small Garden in Late Spring – 王淇《春暮游小园》








[1] 王淇:字菉漪,宋代诗人。《千家诗》注说:“此言春事将阑也。梅花零落,则粉褪残妆矣。而新红艳丽又发于海棠枝上。及夫荼䕷开后,一春之花事已终,惟有丝丝之天棘,蔓生而出于莓墙之上而已。”这首诗用四种花木写暮春自然界的变化,花开花谢都是自然规律,人不必伤感。即使红梅、海棠、荼䕷都开过了,还有生机勃勃的天棘和青苔呢。

[2] 一从:自从。

[3] 褪残妆:指花朵凋谢。

[4] 涂抹新红上海棠:梅花鲜艳的红色涂抹到海棠花上,即指梅花凋谢之后海棠接着绽放。

[5] 荼䕷:一种花,春末夏初开放。

[6] 花事了:开花的场面即将结束,即春天将要过去。

[7] 天棘:一种有刺的荆蔓,俗称酸枣树。

[8] 莓墙:长满苔草的墙。

Visiting a Small Garden in Late Spring

Wang Qi

Since the mume blossom takes off her rosy attire,

The crabapple has rouged her face as red as fire.

When raspberry fades, comes the end of flowers all;

Only the trailing plants appear over the mossy wall.


The poem “Visiting a Small Garden in Late Spring” is a seven-line poem written by the Southern Song poet Wang Qi. The poem describes the order in which the plum blossoms, begonias and confederates bloom and fall, until the flowers wither and the thorns emerge from the walls to show the change from late spring to early summer, implying the poet’s sentiment of lingering on the years and lamenting the ease of passing. The poem uses simple and simple language and anthropomorphic techniques to delicately express the beauty and poetry of the ordinary and unspectacular landscape of life.
