Ye Cai Poem: One Day in Late Spring – 叶采《暮春即事》








[1] 叶采:南宋诗人。《千家诗》注说:“瓦上之雀闲行,其影动于书案之上;杨柳之花飘荡,其絮落于砚池之中。而读易之人,闲坐小窗,不知春色之已去。忽惊瓦雀之行,始见杨花之落,方知春去多时也。”这首诗写读书之乐,诗人忘了时间,一任春去夏来,不知老之将至。

[2] 瓦雀:瓦屋上的麻雀。

[3] 行书案:指麻雀闲行于瓦上的影子映到书桌上。

[4] 砚池:砚台中间蓄墨的凹槽。

[5] 周易:儒家六经之一,亦称《易经》。

One Day in Late Spring

Ye Cai

Sparrows cast on my desk their shadows in pair,

And willow down falls in my inkstone here and there.

Sitting by the window, I read The Book of Changes,

Not knowing when has spring gone, I only feel strange.


The poem “One Day in Late Spring” is a seven-line poem written by Ye Cai, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. This poem depicts the ancient intellectuals who were studying in spring. The poem uses a combination of movement and stillness to describe the “slow movement of tile birds” and the “falling of poplar flowers”. It is these light and small movements that disturb the poet who is studying hard at his window and break his inner peace, so he unconsciously sighs that the spring light is easy to pass. This poem is easy to write, with a relaxed tone and vivid descriptions, giving people a sense of comfort.
