[1] 《千家诗》注说:“蹊,花间小径也;护田,长溪之水,可以灌溉田园而为之护荫也。此荆公在金陵闲居之诗,言茅檐之下,时常清扫,无苔痕之迹。昔年手栽花木皆长大,而地已成蹊矣。门外之田畴,有长溪拥护,而绿水环绕于村前。对面两山,双峰如户,当门并列,青葱之山色,如排闼而送入门来。极言眼前山水之佳也。”王安石做过宰相,却也能欣赏田园风光,说明了儒家“达则兼善天下,穷则独善其身”的思想。
[2] 蹊:小路。
[3] 排闼:推门。
Written on My Neighbor’s Wall
Wang Anshi
No moss grows under your thatched eaves oft swept clean;
Flowers and trees you planted flank your pathway new.
Your fields are girded with a stream of water green;
Two high peaks towering in front exhale the blue.
Two Poems on the Wall of Mr. Huyin” is a poetic work in seven lines composed by Wang Anshi, a writer and politician of the Northern Song Dynasty. Both poems are wall poems, of which the first one is widely circulated. The first two lines of the first poem write about the environment of his house, which is clean and secluded, suggesting the elegance of the master’s life; the second two lines turn to the outside of the courtyard, writing about the deep affection of the landscape for Mr. Huyin, alluding to allusions, turning the landscape into an image with life and feelings, and the landscape taking the initiative to be close to the man, which is the expression of man’s nobility. The poem not only praises the owner’s simplicity and hard work, but also expresses the poet’s tranquil state of mind when he retires and lives in leisure, enjoying the endless pleasures from the idyllic landscape and interactions with the common people. In the second poem, the author condenses the general feeling of his eyes and ears into twenty-eight words. Although the poem is written in a moment, it shows the author’s mind is as fine as a hair. The last part of the poem is about a broken dream, which has the meaning of “I didn’t know I was a guest in my dream”.