Zhao Ding Poem: Cold Food Day in the Southern Land– 赵鼎《寒食书事》












[1] 赵鼎:南宋高宗时反对投降而被贬谪的宰相,《千家诗》注说:“此边方寒食之诗也。古者寒食插柳于门,言虽殊方村陋之处,亦不妨插柳以纪岁华也。禁烟之事,粤中未闻,故两广之地,不知禁烟。清明时,庞德公尝携家上冢,而此地亦知携加上冢,如庞德公之事也。因忆小民之家,远方僻地,亦知上冢,而汉朝之寝墓,唐代之山陵,今虽有存有不存,更有何人捧一盂麦饭而祭之乎?伤帝王之墓丘墟也。古帝王尚如此,而小民复何问乎?不如一樽浊酒,醉卧苍苔,取一时之乐,一任城头画角,虽催而不顾也。”诗人见村民扫墓,而帝王陵寝无人祭奠,大兴沧桑之感。

[2] 柴门:用木头钉制的简陋的门。

[3] 插柳:古代有寒食节在门上插柳枝的风俗。

[4] 纪年华:标志春季开始。

[5] 禁烟:古代寒食节有禁烟火、吃冷食的风俗。

[6] 粤人国:广东一带,是当时作者的谪居之地。

[7] 上冢:上坟扫墓。

[8] 庞老:东汉隐士庞德公,此处泛指一般百姓。

[9] 汉寝唐陵:指汉唐贵族的坟墓。寝、陵,均指坟墓。

[10] 麦饭:粗糙的饭食。

[11] 一樽:指一杯酒。

[12] 暮笳:指傍晚时分吹起的、提醒城门将关的角。

Cold Food Day in the Southern Land

Zhao Ding

At thatched cottages in lonely village the poor

Mark the day with willow twigs put up on the door.

The southern country knows not the forbidden fires,

Still old and young visit the graveyard of their sires.

No sacrifice is offered to imperial tombs;

Along the mountain path only the pear tree blooms.

After a cup of wine I’ll lie on mossy ground,

Careless at citywall of evening bugle’s sound.


The Book of the Cold Eclipse is a seven-line poem written by Zhao Ding, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. The poem was written after the poet was relegated to Chaozhou. The poem depicts the situation of the Winter Eclipse Festival in Lingnan. The first three lines of the poem are about the festive scene in a desolate village, thus setting off the desolation of the Han and Tang Huangshi tombs. In the last couplet, the poet writes that he is drunk and sleeps on this day, ignoring the sound of trumpets closing the city gates. In the midst of his boldness and open-mindedness, the poet expresses his dissatisfaction with the surrendering faction within the Southern Song court and his feelings about the fall of the great mountains and rivers in the north, thus reflecting his deep patriotic feelings. The poem is twisted and profound.
