Lin Bu Poem: To the Mume Blossoms in a Garden– 林逋《山园小梅》












[1] 林逋:以“梅妻鹤子”闻名的诗人。这是一首咏梅的名作,说百花凋谢,梅花独开,影映水上,香浮月下,比白鸟粉蝶更美,只有诗人可以相伴,不用酒就可以醉人,不用歌女就令人销魂了。

[2] 摇落:凋谢。

[3] 暄妍:明媚艳丽。

[4] 风情:美丽的风光。

[5] 浮动:四处飘散。

[6] 霜禽:冬天的鸟儿。

[7] 偷眼:偷着看。

[8] 合:应当。

[9] 微吟:轻声吟诵。

[10] 相狎:相互亲近。

[11] 檀板:檀木制成的打拍子的节板,此处泛指乐器。

[12] 金樽:贵重的酒杯,此处代指酒。

To the Mume Blossoms in a Garden

Lin Bu

You bloom alone when flowers fade out far and near;

You queen it over all the garden day and night.

Sparse shadows slant across the shallow water clear,

And gloomy fragrance floats at dusk in dim moonlight.

Seeing your purity, white birds alight and peer;

Knowing your sweetness, butterflies would lose their heart.

Only a lucky poet’s your companion dear.

Put sandal clappers and golden goblets apart!


Two Poems of “To the Mume Blossoms in a Garden” is a poem in seven lines written by Lin Bu, a poet of the Song Dynasty. The poem highlights the unique beauty of the plum blossom and its noble character, and uses the character of the plum as a metaphor for his own solitary and secluded interest in life. The author gives the plum blossoms a human character, and the relationship between the author and the plum blossoms has reached a spiritual match.
The first poem begins with a description of the qualities of the plum blossom that are different from those of ordinary flowers. The jubilee couplet perfectly expresses the plum blossom’s lightness and serenity in terms of posture and fragrance. The neck couplet reinforces the beauty of plum blossoms depicted in the previous couplet from the attitude of frost birds and pink butterflies towards plum blossoms. Finally, it is said that the plum blossoms can be approached by the elegant and quiet way of chanting verses, instead of the luxurious way of drinking, singing and dancing.
The first couplet of the second poem writes that plum blossoms look like cut silk fabrics, natural and unpaintable. The first couplet of the poem is about the plum blossoms enjoying the sunset in spring but not being able to withstand the cold and frosty night, expressing the poet’s deep love for the plum blossoms. The neck couplet pairs the “neighboring monks” and “commoners” to praise the lonely and uncommon character of the plum blossoms. The last couplet describes the falling plum blossoms hitting the saddle of the poet walking on the road in the south of the Yangtze River.
This group of poems focuses on the intention and spirit of the poet, using a side-by-side approach to render the pure and noble bones of the plum blossom, which is extremely charming.
