Meng Haoran Poem: Farewell to Zhu– 孟浩然《送朱大入秦》








[1] 唐代友人分别时用宝剑相赠,是友情的表示。如陈子昂诗:“宝剑千金买,生平未许人。怀君万里别,持赠结交亲。”可见古代知识分子是重视文武双全的。

[2] 五陵:指唐都长安。

[3] 值千金:形容极为贵重。


Farewell to Zhu

Meng Haoran

My friend will go to royal town;

My sword is worth its weight in gold.

I give it to him when he goes down

To realize his dream of old.



The poem “Farewell to Zhu” is a five-line poem written by Meng Haoran in the Tang Dynasty. This poem is about the gift of a thousand gold swords to Zhu Da, which not only sets up Zhu Da’s chivalrous character and expectations for him, but also puts his own ambition to create a successful career in his life. The first sentence points out where the friend is going, implying Zhu Da’s brash nature; the second sentence emphasizes the value of the sword itself and the significance of the gift; the third sentence writes about the parting of the gift of a thousand gold swords; the last sentence is shallow and deep, and is a gift of words when the sword is given, expressing the mutual loyalty. The last line is a simple and profound one, showing the mutual respect. The poem is unique among Meng’s poems in that it is sincere and inspiring.
