



Don’t think you’ll get off scot-free just because your Dad’s a policeman!






像 hopscotch (“跳房子”游戏)一样, scot-free 一词在词源上与苏格兰或苏格兰人没有什么联系。其中 scot 不指苏格兰人,它原指从12世纪至18世纪英国征收的一种税,英语短语 scot and lot 即指旧时按支付能力征收的居民税, scot-free 则是“免付税的”之意,当时人们常用 get off scot-free 一语来形容那些逃税的人。

scot-free 始用于16世纪,以后词义逐渐延伸,如今多表示“免于受罚的”或“未受损害的”、“安然无恙的”等义。过去英国的小酒店常将顾客所欠酒钱用记号标示( scotch )于石板上, scot-free 一词得以使用至今多少归因于这种做法。


逍遥法外 (scot-free):指某人不受处罚或责备,没有遭受任何不利后果的情况。

以下是一些包含 “scot-free” 的短语:

  1. Get away scot-free: 逍遥法外
  2. Escape scot-free: 逃脱处罚
  3. Go scot-free: 未受惩罚
  4. Walk away scot-free: 完全无事
  5. Leave scot-free: 安然离开
  6. Pass by scot-free: 平安度过
  7. Slip through scot-free: 毫发无损地溜走
  8. Evade punishment scot-free: 逃避惩罚
  9. Avoid consequences scot-free: 不受后果影响地避开
  10. Sail through scot-free: 顺利通过而无伤
  11. Escape the blame scot-free: 逃脱责备
  12. Remain scot-free: 保持无罪
  13. Walk off scot-free: 完全逃脱
  14. Dodge the punishment scot-free: 毫发无损地避开惩罚
  15. Get off scot-free: 逍遥法外
  16. Slip away scot-free: 完全逃脱
  17. Come out scot-free: 完全无事
  18. Leave without consequences scot-free: 安然无恙地离开
  19. Escape unscathed scot-free: 完全无伤地逃脱
  20. Emerge scot-free: 完全无恙地出现
  21. Dodge the penalty scot-free: 完全避开惩罚
  22. Get by scot-free: 平安通过
  23. Slip out scot-free: 毫发无损地溜走
  24. Slide through scot-free: 顺利通过而无伤
  25. Elude punishment scot-free: 逃避惩罚
  26. Escape without repercussions scot-free: 完全无后果地逃脱
  27. Avoid the blame scot-free: 完全避开责备
  28. Make it through scot-free: 顺利通过而无伤
  29. Walk out scot-free: 完全无事地走出
  30. Pass unharmed scot-free: 完全无伤地通过
  31. Go unpunished scot-free: 逍遥法外
  32. Evade responsibility scot-free: 逃避责任
  33. Remain without penalty scot-free: 保持无罪
  34. Slip through the cracks scot-free: 完全逃脱
  35. Dodge the consequences scot-free: 完全避开后果
  36. Sail away scot-free: 完全无恙地航行离开
  37. Escape without punishment scot-free: 完全无罪地逃脱
  38. Walk away without repercussions scot-free: 完全无后果地离开
  39. Slip past unnoticed scot-free: 完全无人察觉地溜走
  40. Emerge without blame scot-free: 完全无责备地出现
  41. Get off the hook scot-free: 完全逍遥法外
  42. Slide out scot-free: 毫发无损地滑出
  43. Escape without a scratch scot-free: 完全无伤地逃脱
  44. Dodge the punishment unscathed scot-free: 完全无恙地避开惩罚
  45. Walk off without consequences scot-free: 完全无后果地离开
  46. Pass without repercussions scot-free: 完全无后果地通过
  47. Slip away without punishment scot-free: 完全无罪地溜走
  48. Elude blame scot-free: 完全逃避责备
  49. Escape unharmed scot-free: 完全无伤地逃脱
  50. Make it out scot-free: 完全无事地离开
