Liu Yuxi Poem: The Taoist Temple Revisited – 刘禹锡《再游玄都观》








[1] 苔:青苔。

[2] 种桃道士:比喻昔日竭力打击革新派的执政者。

[3] 前度:前次。

The Taoist Temple Revisited

Liu Yuxi

In half of the wide courtyard only mosses grow;

Peach blossoms all fallen, only rape-flowers blow.

Where is the Taoist planting peach trees in this place?

I come after I fell again into disgrace.

In 829 the poet came again to the Taoist temple after his second banishment in 815.

Liu Yuxi 刘禹锡


“The Taoist Temple Revisited” is a seven-line poem composed by Liu Yuxi, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. The poem revisits old events to challenge the powerful and noble who attacked the author, expressing that he will not give in to compromise because of repeated retaliation. The first two lines describe the desolate scenery of Xuanduguan after its prosperity, while the second two lines relate the changes of flower affairs to the poet’s own rise and fall. The whole poem uses similes to satirize the characters and events of the time, showing the poet’s indomitable and strong will.
