

slam [slæm] v. 砰地关上;猛力抨击  n. 猛击;砰然声
slam 砰地关上 ←形似词→ slim 苗条的
eg. A slim woman slammed the door angrily.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. slam the door – 砰然关上门
  2. slam the brakes – 急刹车
  3. slam a book shut – 砰地合上书
  4. slam on the brakes – 猛踩刹车
  5. slam the window – 砰然关闭窗户
  6. slam a fist on the table – 砰地一拳打在桌子上
  7. slam the gas pedal – 猛踩油门
  8. slam the ball – 猛力击球
  9. slam the hammer – 猛敲锤子
  10. slam the gavel – 重重敲槌
  11. slam the breaks – 猛踩刹车
  12. slam the brakes on something – 突然停止某事
  13. slam a shot – 砰地投篮
  14. slam a drink – 一口喝光
  15. slam the laptop shut – 砰地合上笔记本电脑
  16. slam the file on the desk – 砰地将文件摔在桌子上
  17. slam the ball into the net – 猛力将球砸入网中
  18. slam the table in anger – 愤怒地砰地一声拍桌子
  19. slam the brakes to avoid a collision – 猛刹车以避免碰撞
  20. slam the door in someone’s face – 砰然关上门,拒人于门外
  21. slam the phone down – 砰地挂断电话
  22. slam a shot glass on the bar – 砰地将小酒杯放在吧台上
  23. slam a ball into the goal – 猛力将球射入球门
  24. slam the cup on the table – 砰地把杯子放在桌子上
  25. slam the car door – 砰然关上车门
  26. slam a hard serve in tennis – 猛力发出强有力的发球
  27. slam a tray on the counter – 砰地将托盘放在柜台上
  28. slam a heavy object on the ground – 砰地将重物摔在地上
  29. slam the paper on the desk – 砰地将文件摔在桌子上
  30. slam the drawer shut – 砰地合上抽屉
  31. slam a winning goal – 砰地射入致胜的进球
  32. slam the clipboard on the table – 砰地把剪贴板放在桌子上
  33. slam the ball into the basket – 猛力将球砸入篮筐
  34. slam the keyboard in frustration – 懊恼地砰地一声按键盘
  35. slam a shot into the corner – 猛力将球射向角落
  36. slam the coffee mug on the counter – 砰地把咖啡杯放在柜台上
  37. slam the document on the desk – 砰地将文件摔在桌子上
  38. slam a forehand in tennis – 猛力击出正手击球
  39. slam the steering wheel in anger – 愤怒地猛拍方向盘
  40. slam the hammer on the table – 砰地敲击锤子在桌子上
  41. slam the file cabinet drawer – 砰地合上文件柜抽屉
  42. slam a basketball into the hoop – 砰地将篮球扣进篮筐
  43. slam the notebook closed – 砰地合上笔记本
  44. slam the puck into the net – 猛力将冰球砸入球网
  45. slam the guitar strings – 猛力弹拨吉他琴弦
  46. slam the ball against the wall – 砰地将球砸向墙壁
  47. slam a powerful serve in volleyball – 猛力发出强有力的发球
  48. slam the laptop on the table – 砰地将笔记本电脑放在桌子上
  49. slam the tray down – 砰地放下托盘
  50. slam the suitcase shut – 砰地合上手提箱
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
