

  1. astringent taste – 收敛味道
  2. astringent properties – 收敛性质
  3. astringent lotion – 收敛液
  4. astringent effect – 收敛作用
  5. astringent herbs – 收敛草药
  6. astringent skincare – 收敛护肤
  7. astringent solution – 收敛溶液
  8. astringent toner – 收敛爽肤水
  9. astringent fruit – 收敛水果
  10. astringent mouthwash – 收敛漱口水
  11. astringent properties of tea – 茶叶的收敛特性
  12. astringent effect on skin – 对皮肤的收敛效果
  13. astringent qualities – 收敛特质
  14. astringent taste in wine – 酒中的收敛味道
  15. astringent facial cleanser – 收敛洁面乳
  16. astringent action – 收敛行动
  17. astringent herbs in traditional medicine – 传统医学中的收敛草药
  18. astringent mouth rinse – 收敛漱口液
  19. astringent effects on pores – 对毛孔的收敛效果
  20. astringent face mask – 收敛面膜
  21. astringent qualities of certain fruits – 某些水果的收敛特性
  22. astringent taste of green tea – 绿茶的收敛味道
  23. astringent properties of witch hazel – 金缕梅的收敛性质
  24. astringent effect on gums – 对牙龈的收敛效果
  25. astringent facial toner – 收敛爽肤乳
  26. astringent herbal remedies – 收敛草药疗法
  27. astringent properties of alum – 明矾的收敛特性
  28. astringent taste in food – 食物中的收敛味道
  29. astringent mouth spray – 收敛口喷雾
  30. astringent effect on hair – 对头发的收敛效果
  31. astringent qualities of oak bark – 橡树皮的收敛特质
  32. astringent facial serum – 收敛面部精华液
  33. astringent properties of rosewater – 玫瑰水的收敛性质
  34. astringent taste of certain fruits – 某些水果的收敛味道
  35. astringent mouth gel – 收敛口膏
  36. astringent effect on blood vessels – 对血管的收敛效果
  37. astringent toning lotion – 收敛调理液
  38. astringent herbal tea – 收敛草药茶
  39. astringent properties of pomegranate – 石榴的收敛特性
  40. astringent taste of cranberries – 蔓越莓的收敛味道
  41. astringent facial mist – 收敛面部喷雾
  42. astringent qualities of lemon juice – 柠檬汁的收敛特质
  43. astringent effect on oily skin – 对油性皮肤的收敛效果
  44. astringent face scrub – 收敛面部磨砂膏
  45. astringent properties of grape seed extract – 葡萄籽提取物的收敛性质
  46. astringent taste of persimmons – 柿子的收敛味道
  47. astringent mouth lozenges – 收敛喉糖
  48. astringent effect on open wounds – 对开放性伤口的收敛效果
  49. astringent toning mist – 收敛调理喷雾
  50. astringent herbal remedies for skin conditions – 皮肤问题的收敛草药疗法


astringent (ah STRIN jent) Based on its medicinal use, which means “to draw together or constrict tissues,” this adjective means “sharp” or “pene-trating, severe.” The noun form is “astringency.”

  • The teacher’s astringent comments on Angus’s history essay convinced him to rethink his thesis and write a new analysis.
  • The astringency of Orwell’s commentary on life as a policeman in Burma earned him praise from the lower classes.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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涩的(ah STRIN jent)根据其医学用途,意思是“将组织聚集在一起或收缩”,这个形容词的意思是“尖锐的”或“尖锐的,严重的”。名词形式是“涩”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
