
cede 英 [siːd] 美 [siːd]


[verb] give up (power or territory)
[动词] 放弃(权力或领土)


Cede 一词于17世纪30年代经法语 céder 或者直接由拉丁语 cedere (屈服、让位;放弃某些权利或财产。原指“离开、从某处出发、前行”)进入英语,即用来表示“割让、让与、转让”,常用搭配 cede sth to sb 作正式用语使用,尤指在军事或政治压力下,经过谈判之后按照条约或协定,不情愿地或被迫割让、让予或放弃权力、权利、资格、土地、领土等,比如:

  • 鸦片战争后香港被割让给了英国。
    Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.


  • 他把房子让给了他那爱张扬的兄弟。
    He ceded possession of the house to his flamboyant brother.

值得注意的是, cede 与熟词 seed 的发音相同且容易混淆,听句子的时候要注意区别。


He had been one of the winners in the land lottery conducted by the State to divide up the vast area in middle Georgia, ceded by the Indians the year before Gerald came to America.

出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。


cede [siːd] v. 放弃;割让(领土)
cede 放弃 ←同音词→ seed 种子
eg. The farmers were forced to sign to cede the land where they had just sowed seeds.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  • So, by design, the machine switched itself off and ceded control to the pilots.
  • Military commanders may cede some space to diplomats.


  1. cede control – 放弃控制
  2. cede territory – 割让领土
  3. cede power – 让权
  4. cede authority – 放弃权威
  5. cede rights – 放弃权利
  6. cede ownership – 转让所有权
  7. cede sovereignty – 放弃主权
  8. cede land – 让出土地
  9. cede jurisdiction – 放弃管辖权
  10. cede assets – 转让资产
  11. cede control to someone – 把控制权交给某人
  12. cede ownership to a company – 将所有权交给一家公司
  13. cede control over a project – 放弃对一个项目的控制
  14. cede territory to a neighboring country – 把领土割让给邻国
  15. cede power to a new government – 让权给一个新政府
  16. cede authority to a higher authority – 将权力交给更高的权力机构
  17. cede rights to indigenous people – 将权利让与土著居民
  18. cede land for development purposes – 为发展目的让出土地
  19. cede sovereignty to a supranational organization – 将主权让与一个超国家组织
  20. cede jurisdiction to an international court – 将管辖权交给国际法庭
  21. cede assets to a business partner – 将资产转让给商业伙伴
  22. cede control of a company to a new CEO – 将公司的控制权交给一位新的首席执行官
  23. cede control over financial decisions – 放弃对财务决策的控制
  24. cede ownership of intellectual property – 放弃对知识产权的所有权
  25. cede control over natural resources – 放弃对自然资源的控制
  26. cede authority to a regulatory body – 将权力交给一个监管机构
  27. cede rights to privacy – 放弃隐私权
  28. cede ownership of a company to its employees – 将公司的所有权让与员工
  29. cede control over military operations – 放弃对军事行动的控制
  30. cede sovereignty to a colonial power – 将主权割让给一个殖民势力
  31. cede territory through a peace treaty – 通过和平条约割让领土
  32. cede authority to a governing body – 将权威交给一个管理机构
  33. cede rights to a minority group – 让渡权利给少数群体
  34. cede ownership of a property – 放弃对一处财产的所有权
  35. cede control of a project to a project manager – 将项目的控制权交给项目经理
  36. cede authority to a higher court – 将权力让与更高级法院
  37. cede rights to freedom of speech – 放弃言论自由权
  38. cede land for conservation purposes – 为保护目的让出土地
  39. cede sovereignty to a federated government – 将主权让与联邦政府
  40. cede jurisdiction over a criminal case – 放弃对一起刑事案件的管辖权
  41. cede assets as part of a business merger – 作为商业合并的一部分转让资产
  42. cede control over decision-making processes – 放弃对决策过程的控制
  43. cede ownership of a trademark – 放弃对商标的所有权
  44. cede control of a city to a new mayor – 将城市的控制权交给新市长
  45. cede authority to an expert panel – 将权力交给专家小组
  46. cede rights to privacy in a contract – 在合同中放弃隐私权
  47. cede ownership of a vehicle – 放弃对一辆车的所有权
  48. cede control over financial resources – 放弃对财务资源的控制
  49. cede authority to a governing council – 将权威交给一个管理委员会
  50. cede rights to access information – 放弃获取信息的权利


relinquish: voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up
surrender: give up or hand over (a person, right, or possession), typically on compulsion or demand
concede: surrender or yield (something that one possesses)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
