

thief [θiːf] n. 小偷,贼
thief 小偷 ←形似词→ theft 盗窃
eg. The thief is on trial for theft.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》



  1. Catch the thief: 抓住小偷
  2. Stop the thief: 阻止小偷
  3. Chase the thief: 追逐小偷
  4. Identify the thief: 辨认小偷
  5. Apprehend the thief: 逮捕小偷
  6. Foil the thief‘s plan: 挫败小偷的计划
  7. Outsmart the thief: 智胜小偷
  8. Track down the thief: 追踪小偷
  9. Report the thief to the police: 向警方报告小偷
  10. Warn others about the thief: 警告他人有关小偷的事
  11. Prevent theft: 预防盗窃
  12. Protect against thieves: 防范小偷
  13. Guard against theft: 提防偷窃
  14. Secure valuables from thieves: 保护贵重物品免遭小偷
  15. Lock up to deter thieves: 锁好以防止小偷
  16. Beware of pickpockets: 提防扒手
  17. Keep an eye out for thieves: 注意观察小偷
  18. Stay vigilant against theft: 保持警惕以防盗窃
  19. Install security cameras to catch thieves: 安装监控摄像头以抓住小偷
  20. Use alarm systems to deter thieves: 使用警报系统以遏制小偷
  21. Unmask the thief‘s true identity: 揭露小偷的真实身份
  22. Prosecute the thief: 起诉小偷
  23. Recover stolen goods from the thief: 从小偷处追回被盗物品
  24. Foil a thief‘s escape: 阻止小偷逃跑
  25. Recognize a known thief: 辨认出一个熟知的小偷
  26. Report suspicious activity to prevent theft: 报告可疑活动以防止盗窃
  27. Conduct a sting operation to catch the thief: 进行诱捕行动以抓住小偷
  28. Pursue legal action against the thief: 对小偷采取法律行动
  29. Expose a thief‘s criminal activities: 揭露小偷的犯罪活动
  30. Retrieve stolen property from the thief‘s hideout: 从小偷藏身处取回被盗财物
  31. Uncover a thief‘s modus operandi: 揭示小偷的作案手法
  32. Interrogate a suspected thief: 盘问一个涉嫌小偷的人
  33. Prevent the thief from striking again: 防止小偷再次行动
  34. Recover stolen funds from the thief: 从小偷处追回被盗资金
  35. Identify the thief through surveillance footage: 通过监控录像辨认小偷
  36. Collaborate with law enforcement to apprehend the thief: 与执法部门合作逮捕小偷
  37. Bring the thief to justice: 将小偷绳之以法
  38. Witness the thief in the act: 目击小偷作案
  39. Identify stolen items in the possession of the thief: 辨认小偷藏有的被盗物品
  40. Pursue a thief on foot: 步行追赶小偷
  41. Organize a neighborhood watch to deter thieves: 组织社区巡逻以遏制小偷
  42. Identify a professional thief: 辨认出一名职业小偷
  43. Gather evidence against the thief: 收集对付小偷的证据
  44. Publicly expose the thief‘s criminal record: 公开曝光小偷的犯罪记录
  45. Conduct a sting operation to catch the thief red-handed: 进行诱捕行动将小偷当场抓获
  46. Protect yourself from becoming a victim of theft: 保护自己免受盗窃的侵害
  47. Testify against the thief in court: 在法庭上作证反对小偷
  48. Identify the thief‘s accomplices: 辨认小偷的同伙
  49. Conduct a thorough investigation into the thief‘s activities: 对小偷的活动进行彻底调查
  50. Reveal the thief‘s hiding place: 揭示小偷的藏匿地点
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
