
英 [en'demɪk]美 [ɛn'dɛmɪk]


adj. 地方性的;风土的
n. 地方病




endemic 地方性的
en-, 进入,使。-demic, 人民,区域,词源同demotic, democracy.


  1. endemic species: 地方特有物种
  2. endemic disease: 地方性疾病
  3. endemic area: 地方性区域
  4. endemic to a region: 特有于某个地区
  5. endemic flora and fauna: 地方性植物和动物
  6. endemic population: 地方性人口
  7. endemic plant species: 地方性植物物种
  8. endemic cultural practices: 地方性文化习俗
  9. endemic infection: 地方性感染
  10. endemic wildlife: 地方性野生动物
  11. endemic to a particular habitat: 特有于特定生境
  12. endemic to a specific island: 特有于特定岛屿
  13. endemic subspecies: 地方性亚种
  14. endemic vegetation: 地方性植被
  15. endemic to a certain climate: 特有于特定气候
  16. endemic traditions: 地方性传统
  17. endemic culture: 地方性文化
  18. endemic to a specific ecosystem: 特有于特定生态系统
  19. endemic pathogens: 地方性病原体
  20. endemic genetic traits: 地方性遗传特征
  21. endemic water sources: 地方性水源
  22. endemic to a specific mountain range: 特有于特定山脉
  23. endemic folklore: 地方性民间传说
  24. endemic customs: 地方性风俗
  25. endemic geological formations: 地方性地质形态
  26. endemic to a particular country: 特有于特定国家
  27. endemic to a specific continent: 特有于特定大陆
  28. endemic species conservation: 地方物种保护
  29. endemic genetic diversity: 地方性基因多样性
  30. endemic cultural heritage: 地方性文化遗产
  31. endemic medicinal plants: 地方性药用植物
  32. endemic folklore stories: 地方性民间故事
  33. endemic bird species: 地方性鸟类物种
  34. endemic to a specific river system: 特有于特定河流系统
  35. endemic architectural styles: 地方性建筑风格
  36. endemic to a particular city: 特有于特定城市
  37. endemic geological features: 地方性地质特征
  38. endemic language: 地方性语言
  39. endemic cultural festivals: 地方性文化节日
  40. endemic marine life: 地方性海洋生物
  41. endemic to a specific desert: 特有于特定沙漠
  42. endemic traditional crafts: 地方性传统工艺
  43. endemic wildlife sanctuary: 地方性野生动物保护区
  44. endemic to a specific national park: 特有于特定国家公园
  45. endemic folklore music: 地方性民间音乐
  46. endemic to a particular island chain: 特有于特定岛链
  47. endemic plant species conservation: 地方植物物种保护
  48. endemic cultural rituals: 地方性文化仪式
  49. endemic geological formations: 地方性地质形成
  50. endemic to a specific highland: 特有于特定高地


endemic (en DEM ik) From the Greek words for “in” and “people,” this adjective means “native or common to or peculiar to a specific region or abstract area.” Perhaps because of the fact it sounds similar to “epi-demic,” it’s often (though not always) used for negative phenomena.

•When the first year teacher felt overwhelmed with work, she consulted her experienced colleague who said consolingly, “Feeling absolutely swamped is endemic to being a new teacher. You’ll never have the time you need, but you’ll learn to accept that and live with the feeling.”

•“If you’re planning to travel in an equatorial region,” said Dr. Abernethy, “you must get shots for diseases that are endemic to that region.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
从希腊语中的“in”和“people”,这个形容词的意思是“特定地区或抽象地区的本地人、共同人或特有人”。也许是因为它听起来类似于“epi demic”,所以它经常(但并不总是)用于负面现象。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
