

  1. tangential relationship: 边缘关系
  2. tangential discussion: 离题的讨论
  3. tangential point: 无关要点
  4. tangential argument: 无关论据
  5. tangential remark: 离题的评论
  6. tangential information: 非主要信息
  7. tangential topic: 无关话题
  8. tangential direction: 侧向的方向
  9. tangential approach: 旁门左道的方法
  10. tangential impact: 间接影响
  11. tangential connection: 非直接联系
  12. tangential relevance: 边缘关联性
  13. tangential issue: 无关问题
  14. tangential statement: 离题陈述
  15. tangential explanation: 无关解释
  16. tangential example: 非相关示例
  17. tangential reference: 旁敲侧击的引用
  18. tangential aspect: 次要方面
  19. tangential consequence: 非直接后果
  20. tangential concept: 非核心概念
  21. tangential relationship: 非直接关系
  22. tangential tangent: 旁线
  23. tangential evidence: 无关证据
  24. tangential viewpoint: 旁观者的观点
  25. tangential thought: 非主要思想
  26. tangential focus: 旁关焦点
  27. tangential digression: 离题的离题
  28. tangential side note: 旁注
  29. tangential interpretation: 非直接解释
  30. tangential argumentation: 边缘论证
  31. tangential inclusion: 附带包括
  32. tangential connection: 旁联关系
  33. tangential relationship: 间接关系
  34. tangential relevance: 旁关性
  35. tangential trajectory: 边缘轨迹
  36. tangential deviation: 旁行偏差
  37. tangential reasoning: 非主要推理
  38. tangential implication: 间接暗示
  39. tangential comparison: 旁边比较
  40. tangential viewpoint: 旁观点
  41. tangential reflection: 旁观反思
  42. tangential angle: 旁边的角度
  43. tangential exploration: 旁观探索
  44. tangential encounter: 无关遭遇
  45. tangential understanding: 非核心理解
  46. tangential path: 边缘路径
  47. tangential connection: 非直接联系
  48. tangential relationship: 旁观关系
  49. tangential approach: 非主要方法
  50. tangential impact: 旁观影响


tangential (tan JEN chul) This adjective describes neither “in” nor “out,” but something “slightly touching” or “barely connected.” This adjective derives from the world of geometry, where a “tangent” is a line or curve touching another at a single point. So if a person “goes off on a tangent,” he or she is getting away from the main concern.

•The leader instructed the teachers scoring the essay that would determine a student’s placement in a composition class that a tangential approach to the given topic was fine: “Think of the topic as merely an ‘invitation to write,’” he said.

•Mr. Holland asked all his group leaders to focus on the major points of the task that confronted them on this day, to save all tangential considerations for the next meeting.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
正切(tan JEN chul)这个形容词既不描述“内”也不描述“外”,而是描述“轻微接触”或“几乎不连接”的东西。这个形容词源自几何世界,其中“正切”是在一个点上接触另一个点的线或曲线。因此,如果一个人“偏离正题”,他或她就偏离了主要关注点。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
