


  1. Guilty of gluttony: 犯有暴食罪
  2. Indulge in gluttony: 沉迷于暴食
  3. Feast of gluttony: 暴食盛宴
  4. Satisfy gluttony: 满足暴食欲望
  5. Battle against gluttony: 对抗暴食
  6. Indulgent gluttony: 放纵的暴食
  7. Temptation of gluttony: 暴食的诱惑
  8. gluttony and obesity: 暴食和肥胖
  9. Overcome gluttony: 克服暴食
  10. gluttony for sweets: 对甜食的贪婪
  11. Culinary gluttony: 对美食的暴食
  12. gluttony in moderation: 适度的暴食
  13. Indulgence in gluttony: 沉溺于暴食
  14. Fight against gluttony: 对抗暴食
  15. gluttony and self-control: 暴食和自我控制
  16. gluttony as a sin: 暴食作为一种罪恶
  17. gluttony and overeating: 暴食和过度进食
  18. gluttony for pleasure: 对享乐的贪婪
  19. gluttony and health issues: 暴食与健康问题
  20. Resisting gluttony: 抵制暴食
  21. gluttony and lack of discipline: 暴食和缺乏纪律
  22. gluttony and overindulgence: 暴食和过度放纵
  23. Consequences of gluttony: 暴食的后果
  24. gluttony and self-indulgence: 暴食和自我放纵
  25. gluttony and excessive consumption: 暴食和过度消费
  26. gluttony and poor eating habits: 暴食和不良饮食习惯
  27. gluttony and the pleasure of eating: 暴食和进食的愉悦感
  28. gluttony and the obsession with food: 暴食和对食物的痴迷
  29. gluttony and its impact on health: 暴食对健康的影响
  30. gluttony and the loss of self-control: 暴食和失去自我控制
  31. gluttony and the desire for instant gratification: 暴食和对即时满足的渴望
  32. gluttony and the neglect of nutritional balance: 暴食和对营养平衡的忽视
  33. gluttony and the inability to stop eating: 暴食和无法停止进食的问题
  34. gluttony and the emptiness it fails to fill: 暴食和无法填补的空虚感
  35. gluttony and the social stigma attached to overeating: 暴食和过度进食所带来的社会污名
  36. gluttony and the constant pursuit of sensory pleasure: 暴食和对感官快感的不断追求
  37. gluttony and the lack of awareness of hunger and satiety cues: 暴食和对饥饿和饱食信号缺乏的意识
  38. gluttony and the distorted relationship with food: 暴食和对食物的扭曲关系
  39. gluttony and the psychological factors that contribute to overeating: 暴食和导致过度进食的心理因素
  40. gluttony and the impact on personal well-being and self-esteem: 暴食对个人幸福和自尊心的影响


gluttony (GLUTT un ee) You may know this noun as one of the seven deadly sins. It means “excessive eating or drinking.” A person who stuffs himself and drinks too much is a glutton. The word can also be used figu-ratively to describe someone who overdoes it on anything.

•A glutton for punishment, Wilbur always forgot to water the garden, even though he knew this would infuriate his wife Blanche.

•After indulging her natural propensity for gluttony, Jill went on a diet. She had eaten almost an entire cheesecake as well as a quart of ice cream and had gained three pounds in one afternoon.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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暴食(GLUTT un-ee)你可能知道这个名词是七宗罪之一。它的意思是“过度进食或饮酒”。一个人吃饱喝多了就是暴食者。这个词也可以用来比喻在任何事情上过度使用的人。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
