


  1. Deal with a refractory child: 处理一个倔强的孩子
  2. refractory behavior: 倔强的行为
  3. Manage refractory employees: 管理倔强的员工
  4. Addressing refractoriness: 处理倔强行为
  5. Deal with refractory students: 处理倔强的学生
  6. refractory attitude: 倔强的态度
  7. Handle a refractory situation: 处理一个倔强的局面
  8. refractory response to authority: 对权威的倔强反应
  9. refractory behavior in the workplace: 工作场所的倔强行为
  10. Manage refractory patients: 管理倔强的患者
  11. refractory attitude towards rules: 对规定的倔强态度
  12. Deal with refractory demands: 处理倔强的要求
  13. refractory reaction to change: 对变化的倔强反应
  14. Handle a refractory client: 处理一个倔强的客户
  15. refractory behavior during meetings: 会议期间的倔强行为
  16. Deal with refractory siblings: 处理倔强的兄弟姐妹
  17. refractory response to instructions: 对指令的倔强反应
  18. Manage a refractory team: 管理一个倔强的团队
  19. refractory attitude towards feedback: 对反馈的倔强态度
  20. Handle refractory disputes: 处理倔强的争议
  21. refractory behavior during negotiations: 谈判过程中的倔强行为
  22. Deal with refractory customers: 处理倔强的顾客
  23. refractory response to criticism: 对批评的倔强反应
  24. Calm down a refractory individual: 安抚一个倔强的人
  25. refractory attitude towards teamwork: 对团队合作的倔强态度
  26. Address refractory behavior with patience: 以耐心处理倔强行为
  27. refractory reaction to authority figures: 对权威人物的倔强反应
  28. Deal with refractory behavior through communication: 通过沟通处理倔强行为
  29. refractory response to challenges: 对挑战的倔强反应
  30. Handle a refractory subordinate: 处理一个倔强的下属
  31. refractory behavior at social events: 社交活动中的倔强行为
  32. Manage refractory behavior with assertiveness: 以果断处理倔强行为
  33. refractory attitude towards authority: 对权威的倔强态度
  34. Address refractory behavior with consequences: 通过后果处理倔强行为
  35. refractory response to feedback: 对反馈的倔强反应
  36. refractory behavior during team projects: 团队项目期间的倔强行为
  37. Deal with a refractory partner: 处理一个倔强的伴侣
  38. refractory attitude towards suggestions: 对建议的倔强态度
  39. Handle refractory behavior with empathy: 以同理心处理倔强行为
  40. refractory response to instructions: 对指示的倔强反应
  41. refractory behavior in the classroom: 教室里的倔强行为
  42. Manage refractory behavior with consistency: 通过一致性管理倔强行为
  43. refractory attitude towards compromise: 对妥协的倔强态度
  44. Address refractory behavior with understanding: 通过理解处理倔强行为
  45. refractory response to authority figures: 对权威人物的倔强反应
  46. Deal with refractory demands in a diplomatic manner: 以外交手段处理倔强的要求
  47. refractory behavior during team discussions: 团队讨论期间的倔强行为
  48. refractory attitude towards problem-solving: 对解决问题的倔强态度
  49. Handle a refractory customer complaint: 处理一个倔强的顾客投诉
  50. refractory response to criticism: 对批评的倔强反应


refractory (ref RAK tor ee) Just like recalcitrant and fractious, this adjective means “stubbornly resistant to authority.” Its noun form is “refractoriness,” not “refraction,” which has to do with the bending of a sound or light wave.

•Knowing her son could be refractory, Mrs. Silverman brought along several books and magic tricks to keep him occupied during the lecture on parenting techniques.

•The students were particularly refractory, knowing they could take advantage of the inexperienced substitute teacher.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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耐火的(ref-RAK tor ee)就像顽抗和暴躁一样,这个形容词的意思是“顽固地抵抗权威”。它的名词形式是“耐火”,而不是“折射”,这与声波或光波的弯曲有关。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
