

  1. Social propriety: 社交礼仪
  2. Code of propriety: 礼仪准则
  3. Sense of propriety: 礼仪意识
  4. Violation of propriety: 违反礼仪
  5. Questionable propriety: 可疑的礼仪
  6. Strict propriety: 严格的礼仪
  7. Observance of propriety: 遵守礼仪
  8. Breach of propriety: 违反礼仪
  9. Apparent propriety: 表面上的礼仪
  10. Social propriety norms: 社交礼仪规范
  11. Cultural propriety: 文化礼仪
  12. Public propriety: 公共礼仪
  13. Proper propriety: 恰当的礼仪
  14. Ethical propriety: 道德礼仪
  15. Manner of propriety: 符合礼仪的方式
  16. Decorum and propriety: 庄重与礼仪
  17. Breach of professional propriety: 违反职业操守
  18. Personal sense of propriety: 个人礼仪意识
  19. Cultural propriety standards: 文化礼仪标准
  20. Preservation of propriety: 保持礼仪
  21. propriety in speech: 言辞得体
  22. Maintaining propriety: 保持礼仪
  23. propriety in conduct: 行为得体
  24. propriety in attire: 着装得体
  25. propriety in behavior: 行为得体
  26. propriety in relationships: 关系得体
  27. Sense of moral propriety: 道德礼仪意识
  28. Social propriety guidelines: 社交礼仪指南
  29. Upholding the principles of propriety: 维护礼仪原则
  30. propriety in formal occasions: 正式场合的礼仪
  31. propriety in business dealings: 商业交往中的礼仪
  32. propriety in public speaking: 公开演讲的礼仪
  33. propriety in written communication: 书面沟通的礼仪
  34. propriety in diplomatic relations: 外交关系中的礼仪
  35. propriety in educational settings: 教育环境中的礼仪
  36. propriety in religious practices: 宗教实践中的礼仪
  37. propriety in court proceedings: 法庭诉讼的礼仪
  38. propriety in social media interactions: 社交媒体互动的礼仪
  39. propriety in family relationships: 家庭关系的礼仪
  40. propriety in professional settings: 职业环境中的礼仪
  41. propriety in hospitality: 招待礼仪
  42. propriety in gift-giving: 礼物赠送的礼仪
  43. propriety in cultural traditions: 文化传统中的礼仪
  44. propriety in public behavior: 公众行为的礼仪
  45. propriety in social gatherings: 社交聚会的礼仪
  46. propriety in classroom etiquette: 教室礼仪
  47. propriety in international relations: 国际关系中的礼仪
  48. propriety in workplace communication: 工作场合的礼仪沟通
  49. propriety in decision-making processes: 决策过程中的礼仪
  50. propriety in personal boundaries: 个人界限的礼仪



propriety (pro PRY it ee) Like decorum (#1), this noun concerns itself with the observation of existing social norms; it’s no surprise that it is linguisti-cally related to the word “proper.”

  • Standards of propriety alter radically with time: no one is aghast today if a young woman enters a young man’s apartment without a chaperone, but in the early twentieth century this situation was still a shocker.
  • The heroine of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice was independent in her thinking, but she was horrified when her sister offended the propriety of her social circle.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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得体(pro-PRY it ee)与礼仪(#1)一样,这个名词关注对现有社会规范的观察;毫不奇怪,它在语言学上与“恰当”一词相关

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
