


  1. Stone aryatid: 石制雅典女像柱
  2. Marble aryatid: 大理石雅典女像柱
  3. Ancient aryatid: 古代雅典女像柱
  4. Greek aryatid: 希腊雅典女像柱
  5. Architectural aryatid: 建筑中的雅典女像柱
  6. Decorative aryatid: 装饰性的雅典女像柱
  7. Ornate aryatid: 华丽的雅典女像柱
  8. Column with aryatid: 带有雅典女像柱的柱子
  9. Supportive aryatid: 承重的雅典女像柱
  10. Symbolic aryatid: 象征性的雅典女像柱
  11. Elaborate aryatid: 精细的雅典女像柱
  12. Intricate aryatid: 复杂的雅典女像柱
  13. Delicate aryatid: 纤细的雅典女像柱
  14. Graceful aryatid: 优雅的雅典女像柱
  15. Majestic aryatid: 威严的雅典女像柱
  16. Mythological aryatid: 神话中的雅典女像柱
  17. Historical aryatid: 历史上的雅典女像柱
  18. Famous aryatid: 著名的雅典女像柱
  19. Iconic aryatid: 标志性的雅典女像柱
  20. Monumental aryatid: 巨大的雅典女像柱
  21. Ancient Greek aryatid: 古希腊的雅典女像柱
  22. Neoclassical aryatid: 新古典主义的雅典女像柱
  23. Artistic aryatid: 艺术性的雅典女像柱
  24. Sculpted aryatid: 雕刻的雅典女像柱
  25. Carved aryatid: 雕刻的雅典女像柱
  26. Engraved aryatid: 雕刻的雅典女像柱
  27. Adorned aryatid: 装饰的雅典女像柱
  28. Grand aryatid: 壮丽的雅典女像柱
  29. Imposing aryatid: 雄伟的雅典女像柱
  30. Impressive aryatid: 令人印象深刻的雅典女像柱
  31. Regal aryatid: 帝王的雅典女像柱
  32. Statuesque aryatid: 如雕像的雅典女像柱
  33. Traditional aryatid: 传统的雅典女像柱
  34. Architecturally significant aryatid: 在建筑上有重要意义的雅典女像柱
  35. Unique aryatid: 独特的雅典女像柱
  36. Striking aryatid: 引人注目的雅典女像柱
  37. Exquisite aryatid: 精致的雅典女像柱
  38. Graceful aryatid: 优雅的雅典女像柱
  39. Enigmatic aryatid: 神秘的雅典女像柱
  40. Enchanting aryatid: 迷人的雅典女像柱
  41. Captivating aryatid: 迷人的雅典女像柱
  42. Mysterious aryatid: 神秘的雅典女像柱
  43. Iconic aryatid sculpture: 标志性的雅典女像柱雕塑
  44. Stately aryatid: 庄严的雅典女像柱
  45. Symbol of Greek architecture: 希腊建筑的象征
  46. Classic aryatid design: 经典的雅典女像柱设计
  47. Enchanting beauty of aryatid: 迷人的雅典女像柱之美
  48. Noble aryatid: 高贵的雅典女像柱
  49. Timeless aryatid: 永恒的雅典女像柱
  50. Greek mythology-inspired aryatid: 受希腊神话启发的雅典女像柱


caryatid (CAH ree a tid) Although this noun sounds like the name of a grass-hopper or a more exotic insect, it’s actually an architectural term. A caryatid is a structural column sculpted in the form of a draped female figure. The name comes from the priestesses of Artemis at Caryae in Greece, where there is a famous temple to Artemis.

•The statues of toga-draped maidens that support the lintel of one of the temples at the Acropolis are probably the most famous example of caryatids in Greek art.

•Dressed in flowing robes and carrying a fake slab of marble above her head, Hermione was sure she would be the only guest at the Halloween party who had come as a caryatid.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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