


  1. punctilious attention to detail: 对细节一丝不苟的关注
  2. punctilious adherence to rules: 对规则一丝不苟的遵守
  3. punctilious organization: 一丝不苟的组织
  4. punctilious professionalism: 一丝不苟的专业精神
  5. punctilious record keeping: 一丝不苟的记录
  6. punctilious time management: 一丝不苟的时间管理
  7. punctilious accuracy: 一丝不苟的准确性
  8. punctilious preparation: 一丝不苟的准备
  9. punctilious grooming: 一丝不苟的整理
  10. punctilious scheduling: 一丝不苟的安排
  11. punctilious attention to etiquette: 对礼仪一丝不苟的关注
  12. punctilious cleanliness: 一丝不苟的清洁
  13. punctilious craftsmanship: 一丝不苟的工艺
  14. punctilious punctuality: 一丝不苟的守时
  15. punctilious attention to quality: 对质量一丝不苟的关注
  16. punctilious attention to deadlines: 对截止日期一丝不苟的关注
  17. punctilious attention to customer needs: 对客户需求一丝不苟的关注
  18. punctilious attention to instructions: 对指示一丝不苟的关注
  19. punctilious attention to safety: 对安全一丝不苟的关注
  20. punctilious attention to accuracy: 对准确性一丝不苟的关注
  21. punctilious attention to protocol: 对协议一丝不苟的关注
  22. punctilious attention to detail in design: 设计中对细节一丝不苟的关注
  23. punctilious attention to customer satisfaction: 对客户满意度一丝不苟的关注
  24. punctilious attention to financial records: 对财务记录一丝不苟的关注
  25. punctilious attention to employee performance: 对员工表现一丝不苟的关注
  26. punctilious attention to confidentiality: 对保密性一丝不苟的关注
  27. punctilious attention to documentation: 对文档一丝不苟的关注
  28. punctilious attention to data analysis: 对数据分析一丝不苟的关注
  29. punctilious attention to customer feedback: 对客户反馈一丝不苟的关注
  30. punctilious attention to project management: 对项目管理一丝不苟的关注
  31. punctilious attention to code of conduct: 对行为准则一丝不苟的关注
  32. punctilious attention to inventory control: 对库存控制一丝不苟的关注
  33. punctilious attention to meeting agendas: 对会议议程一丝不苟的关注
  34. punctilious attention to customer service: 对客户服务一丝不苟的关注
  35. punctilious attention to product quality: 对产品质量一丝不苟的关注
  36. punctilious attention to project deadlines: 对项目截止日期一丝不苟的关注
  37. punctilious attention to safety regulations: 对安全规定一丝不苟的关注
  38. punctilious attention to customer preferences: 对客户偏好一丝不苟的关注
  39. punctilious attention to material selection: 对材料选择一丝不苟的关注
  40. punctilious attention to customer privacy: 对客户隐私一丝不苟的关注
  41. punctilious attention to packaging: 对包装一丝不苟的关注
  42. punctilious attention to project budget: 对项目预算一丝不苟的关注
  43. punctilious attention to data security: 对数据安全一丝不苟的关注
  44. punctilious attention to customer loyalty: 对客户忠诚度一丝不苟的关注
  45. punctilious attention to task delegation: 对任务分派一丝不苟的关注
  46. punctilious attention to employee training: 对员工培训一丝不苟的关注
  47. punctilious attention to project milestones: 对项目里程碑一丝不苟的关注
  48. punctilious attention to data integrity: 对数据完整性一丝不苟的关注
  49. punctilious attention to customer communication: 对客户沟通一丝不苟的关注
  50. punctilious attention to problem-solving: 对问题解决一丝不苟的关注


punctilious (punk TIL ee us) Even a bit more than “meticulous,” this adjec-tive suggests attention to every minute detail or point. (And like the word “punctuation,” punctilious is derived from the word “point,” as in the dot at the end of this sentence.) It can be positive or negative, depending on the context.

•When George said “whatever” to his punctilious boss’s outlining of the rules of the job, it was clear this was not a match made in heaven.

•If the recipe calls for an eighth of a teaspoon, only the more punctilious cooks will search for a measuring spoon.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一丝不苟(punk TIL ee-us)甚至比“一丝不苟”多一点,这个形容词暗示着对每一个细节或要点的关注。(与“标点符号”一词一样,puncilious源自“点”一词,如本句末尾的点。)它可以是正面的,也可以是负面的,具体取决于上下文。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
