
英 ['enmɪtɪ]


n. 敌意;憎恨




enmity 敌意
词源同enemy, inimical.


  1. Deep enmity: 深仇大恨
  2. Bitter enmity: 深仇
  3. Personal enmity: 个人仇恨
  4. Irreconcilable enmity: 不可调和的敌意
  5. Lingering enmity: 持久的敌意
  6. Open enmity: 公开的敌意
  7. Fierce enmity: 激烈的敌意
  8. Mutual enmity: 相互的敌意
  9. Historical enmity: 历史的仇恨
  10. Political enmity: 政治的敌意
  11. Deep-rooted enmity: 根深蒂固的敌意
  12. Inherent enmity: 固有的敌意
  13. Lingering enmity: 长期存在的敌意
  14. enmity between nations: 国与国之间的敌意
  15. enmity between rivals: 竞争对手之间的敌意
  16. enmity in the workplace: 工作场所的敌意
  17. enmity between families: 家族之间的敌意
  18. enmity between factions: 派系之间的敌意
  19. enmity turned friendship: 从敌意转为友谊
  20. enmity born of jealousy: 嫉妒所生的敌意
  21. enmity fueled by revenge: 报复所激起的敌意
  22. enmity between generations: 不同代际之间的敌意
  23. enmity turned alliance: 从敌意转为联盟
  24. enmity between neighbors: 邻居之间的敌意
  25. enmity bred by misunderstanding: 由误解所滋生的敌意
  26. enmity between rival companies: 竞争对手公司之间的敌意
  27. enmity between former friends: 曾经的朋友之间的敌意
  28. enmity caused by betrayal: 背叛所引起的敌意
  29. enmity fueled by resentment: 怨恨所助长的敌意
  30. enmity in the sports world: 运动界的敌意
  31. enmity between political parties: 政党之间的敌意
  32. enmity between religious groups: 宗教团体之间的敌意
  33. enmity between siblings: 兄弟姐妹之间的敌意
  34. enmity caused by territorial disputes: 因领土争端而产生的敌意
  35. enmity fueled by cultural differences: 文化差异所助长的敌意
  36. enmity between historical figures: 历史人物之间的敌意
  37. enmity driven by ideology: 意识形态所驱使的敌意
  38. enmity caused by competition: 因竞争而产生的敌意
  39. enmity between rival gangs: 竞争帮派之间的敌意
  40. enmity between rival sports teams: 竞争体育队伍之间的敌意
  41. enmity between warring nations: 交战国家之间的敌意
  42. enmity bred by cultural clashes: 由文化冲突所滋生的敌意
  43. enmity between historical enemies: 历史上的敌人之间的敌意
  44. enmity fueled by racial tensions: 种族紧张局势所助长的敌意
  45. enmity between rival fan groups: 竞争的球迷群体之间的敌意
  46. enmity between business competitors: 商业竞争对手之间的敌意
  47. enmity caused by ideological differences: 因意识形态差异而产生的敌意
  48. enmity born of historical conflicts: 历史冲突所生的敌意
  49. enmity driven by power struggles: 权力斗争所驱使的敌意
  50. enmity between former allies: 曾经的盟友之间的敌意



enmity (EN mitt ee) Here’s a noun that means “deep-seated, often mutual hatred.” When two people share enmity, peace is unlikely. The word shares a Latin root with “inimical.”

•The enmity between North Vietnam and South Vietnam was so great that war was inevitable.

•Will and Jake felt a growing enmity as they drifted apart after college. One joined the Peace Corps; the other took a job on Wall Street.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
恩怨(EN mitt ee)这里有一个名词,意思是“根深蒂固的,经常是相互仇恨”。当两个人有共同的恩怨时,和平是不可能的。这个词的拉丁词根与“inimal”相同

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
