

  1. Act out of malice: 出于恶意行事
  2. Motivated by malice: 出于恶意的动机
  3. malice towards others: 对他人怀有恶意
  4. Spite and malice: 怨恨与恶意
  5. malice in his eyes: 他眼中的恶意
  6. Intentions of malice: 恶意的意图
  7. malice aforethought: 预谋的恶意
  8. Spew malice: 喷发恶意
  9. malice in speech: 言语中的恶意
  10. malice-filled remarks: 充满恶意的言辞
  11. malice in his heart: 他心中的恶意
  12. Without malice or ill will: 没有恶意或敌意
  13. malice-driven actions: 受恶意驱使的行动
  14. Deep-seated malice: 根深蒂固的恶意
  15. malice behind the smile: 笑容背后的恶意
  16. malice in her tone: 她的语气中的恶意
  17. Motivated by pure malice: 出于纯粹恶意的动机
  18. malice in the workplace: 工作场所的恶意
  19. malice-driven rumors: 受恶意驱使的谣言
  20. malice towards a rival: 对竞争对手的恶意
  21. malice in online comments: 网上评论中的恶意
  22. malice towards the innocent: 对无辜者的恶意
  23. Act with malice and intent: 出于恶意和意图行事
  24. malice in his actions: 他行动中的恶意
  25. Sow seeds of malice: 播下恶意的种子
  26. Overcome malice with kindness: 以善意克服恶意
  27. malice-driven accusations: 受恶意驱使的指责
  28. malice in the form of gossip: 以闲言碎语的形式表现的恶意
  29. malice towards a former friend: 对以前的朋友怀有恶意
  30. malice towards the vulnerable: 对弱势者的恶意
  31. malice-filled intentions: 充满恶意的意图
  32. malice towards authority figures: 对权威人士的恶意
  33. malice in political campaigns: 政治活动中的恶意
  34. malice-driven lawsuits: 受恶意驱使的诉讼
  35. malice towards different opinions: 对不同意见的恶意
  36. malice in personal relationships: 个人关系中的恶意
  37. malice-driven vandalism: 受恶意驱使的破坏行为
  38. malice in the form of pranks: 以恶作剧的形式表现的恶意
  39. malice towards a rival team: 对竞争对手团队的恶意
  40. malice-filled thoughts: 充满恶意的思绪
  41. malice-driven power struggles: 受恶意驱使的权力斗争
  42. malice in the form of sabotage: 以破坏行为的形式表现的恶意
  43. malice towards a political opponent: 对政治对手的恶意
  44. malice in the form of cyberbullying: 以网络欺凌的形式表现的恶意
  45. malice-driven acts of revenge: 受恶意驱使的报复行为
  46. malice towards a co-worker: 对同事的恶意
  47. malice-filled intentions: 充满恶意的意图
  48. malice in the form of blackmail: 以敲诈的形式表现的恶意
  49. malice towards a family member: 对家庭成员的恶意
  50. malice-driven acts of betrayal: 受恶意驱使的背叛行为



malice (MAL iss) This noun, coming from the Latin word that means “bad,” connotes a desire to harm others or see them suffer. Someone who is malicious is deliberately harmful or spiteful.

•Stanley Kowalski had a malicious heart, and he detested the vulnerable Blanche DuBois.

•In the playground, the malicious child kicked the other children and bit the teacher when she tried to stop him.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
•斯坦利·科瓦尔斯基(Stanley Kowalski)有一颗恶意的心,他憎恨脆弱的布兰奇·杜博伊斯(Blanche DuBois)。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
