

  1. reverberate through the room: 在房间里回荡
  2. reverberate in the distance: 在远处回响
  3. reverberate with laughter: 因笑声而回荡
  4. reverberate with applause: 因掌声而回响
  5. reverberate in the air: 在空中回响
  6. reverberate off the walls: 从墙壁上回荡
  7. reverberate in the concert hall: 在音乐厅里回响
  8. reverberate through the crowd: 在人群中回荡
  9. reverberate with excitement: 因兴奋而回荡
  10. reverberate in the mountains: 在山间回响
  11. reverberate through the corridors: 在走廊里回荡
  12. reverberate in the stadium: 在体育场里回响
  13. reverberate with thunder: 因雷声而回荡
  14. reverberate in the forest: 在森林中回响
  15. reverberate with voices: 因声音而回荡
  16. reverberate in the theater: 在剧院里回响
  17. reverberate down the hallway: 在走廊里回响
  18. reverberate with music: 因音乐而回荡
  19. reverberate in the cathedral: 在大教堂里回响
  20. reverberate with chanting: 因呼喊声而回荡
  21. reverberate in the stadium: 在体育场里回响
  22. reverberate through the valley: 在山谷中回荡
  23. reverberate with drum beats: 因鼓声而回荡
  24. reverberate in the night: 在夜晚里回响
  25. reverberate with guitar chords: 因吉他和弦而回荡
  26. reverberate in the classroom: 在教室里回响
  27. reverberate with cheers: 因欢呼声而回荡
  28. reverberate in the city streets: 在城市街道上回响
  29. reverberate with energy: 因能量而回荡
  30. reverberate in the opera house: 在歌剧院里回响
  31. reverberate with the sound of sirens: 因警笛声而回荡
  32. reverberate in the canyons: 在峡谷中回响
  33. reverberate with gunshots: 因枪声而回荡
  34. reverberate in the ocean: 在海洋中回响
  35. reverberate with protest chants: 因抗议口号而回荡
  36. reverberate through the universe: 在宇宙中回荡
  37. reverberate in the memory: 在记忆中回响
  38. reverberate with powerful emotions: 因强烈的情感而回荡
  39. reverberate in the hearts of the audience: 在观众心中回响
  40. reverberate with the echoes of history: 因历史的回响而回荡
  41. reverberate in the minds of the listeners: 在听众心中回响
  42. reverberate with the message of hope: 因希望的信息而回荡
  43. reverberate in the realm of art: 在艺术领域回响
  44. reverberate with the power of words: 因语言的力量而回荡
  45. reverberate in the legacy of great leaders: 在伟大领袖的遗产中回响
  46. reverberate with the spirit of unity: 因团结的精神而回荡
  47. reverberate in the halls of justice: 在司法大厅回响
  48. reverberate with the call for change: 因变革的呼声而回荡
  49. reverberate in the pursuit of truth: 在追求真理中回响
  50. reverberate with the melody of love: 因爱的旋律而回荡



reverberate (re VER ber ate) This verb comes from vivid Latin roots meaning “to whip back.” We must picture sound beating its way back through the air, whether we see the word used in its literal sense or its very common figurative sense where it becomes a synonym for “repercussion,” literally, “striking back.”

•As the nymph Echo shouted “Do you love me?” to the vain Narcissus, the air reverberated with the response, “Love me, Love me.”

•Hiram felt the reverberations of his hasty decision to drop out of college for many years.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
混响(re VER ber ate)这个动词来源于生动的拉丁语词根,意思是“回击”。我们必须想象声音在空中跳动,无论我们看到这个词是字面意义上使用的,还是非常常见的比喻意义上的,它成为了“回击”的同义词,字面意思是“反击”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
