

  1. Settle a dispute: 解决争议
  2. Legal dispute: 法律争议
  3. dispute resolution: 争议解决
  4. dispute settlement: 争议解决
  5. dispute over land: 土地争议
  6. dispute between neighbors: 邻里争端
  7. dispute resolution process: 争议解决过程
  8. Domestic dispute: 家庭纠纷
  9. dispute resolution mechanism: 争议解决机制
  10. dispute resolution center: 争议解决中心
  11. dispute resolution clause: 争议解决条款
  12. dispute settlement agreement: 争议解决协议
  13. Labor dispute: 劳动争议
  14. Commercial dispute: 商业争议
  15. dispute over contract: 合同争议
  16. dispute between business partners: 商业伙伴之间的争议
  17. dispute over intellectual property: 知识产权争议
  18. dispute resolution panel: 争议解决小组
  19. dispute resolution procedure: 争议解决程序
  20. dispute resolution body: 争议解决机构
  21. dispute settlement process: 争议解决过程
  22. dispute resolution conference: 争议解决会议
  23. dispute settlement mechanism: 争议解决机制
  24. dispute resolution specialist: 争议解决专家
  25. Boundary dispute: 边界争议
  26. dispute between nations: 国家之间的争端
  27. dispute over territory: 领土争议
  28. dispute resolution system: 争议解决体系
  29. dispute settlement tribunal: 争议解决仲裁庭
  30. dispute resolution policy: 争议解决政策
  31. dispute resolution strategy: 争议解决策略
  32. dispute resolution skills: 争议解决技巧
  33. dispute resolution framework: 争议解决框架
  34. dispute resolution advocate: 争议解决倡导者
  35. dispute resolution consultant: 争议解决顾问
  36. dispute resolution training: 争议解决培训
  37. dispute settlement negotiation: 争议解决谈判
  38. dispute resolution case: 争议解决案例
  39. dispute settlement process: 争议解决过程
  40. dispute resolution court: 争议解决法院
  41. dispute resolution expert: 争议解决专家
  42. dispute resolution skills: 争议解决技巧
  43. dispute resolution conference: 争议解决会议
  44. dispute settlement agreement: 争议解决协议
  45. dispute resolution clause: 争议解决条款
  46. dispute resolution center: 争议解决中心
  47. dispute resolution mediator: 争议解决调解人
  48. dispute resolution lawyer: 争议解决律师
  49. dispute resolution process: 争议解决过程
  50. dispute settlement mechanism: 争议解决机制



dispute (dis PYOOT) The Latin root of this word, desputare, means to examine. Therefore, when you dispute something, you engage in an argumentative discussion about its validity; you debate its truth. It can be used either as a verb or a noun.

•The student was certain that the word “tiff” meant quarrel so he disputed his grade on the vocabulary quiz when his teacher marked him wrong.

•A dispute over the existence of global warming was the focus of the environ-mentalists at the conference.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
争议(dis PYOOT)这个词的拉丁词根desputare表示检查。因此,当你对某件事提出异议时,你会对它的有效性进行争论性的讨论;你在辩论它的真相。它可以用作动词或名词。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
