

  1. athwart the sky: 穿越天空
  2. athwart the river: 横穿河流
  3. athwart the path: 横越路径
  4. athwart the road: 横贯道路
  5. athwart the horizon: 横亘地平线
  6. athwart the landscape: 横跨风景
  7. athwart the bridge: 横跨桥梁
  8. athwart the train tracks: 横穿火车轨道
  9. athwart the ocean: 横渡大洋
  10. athwart the forest: 横穿森林
  11. athwart the meadow: 横贯草地
  12. athwart the valley: 横跨山谷
  13. athwart the mountain range: 横越山脉
  14. athwart the city streets: 横穿城市街道
  15. athwart the field: 横贯田野
  16. athwart the runway: 横穿跑道
  17. athwart the canyon: 横贯峡谷
  18. athwart the railway line: 横跨铁路线
  19. athwart the desert: 横穿沙漠
  20. athwart the timeline: 横贯时间线
  21. athwart the border: 横越边境
  22. athwart the boundary: 横贯界限
  23. athwart the coastline: 横贯海岸线
  24. athwart the garden: 横贯花园
  25. athwart the park: 横穿公园
  26. athwart the hallway: 横穿走廊
  27. athwart the courtyard: 横贯庭院
  28. athwart the battlefield: 横贯战场
  29. athwart the trail: 横穿小径
  30. athwart the path of progress: 阻碍进展的道路
  31. athwart the plans: 阻碍计划
  32. athwart the aspirations: 阻碍愿望
  33. athwart the dreams: 阻碍梦想
  34. athwart the expectations: 阻碍期望
  35. athwart the journey: 阻碍旅程
  36. athwart the ambitions: 阻碍抱负
  37. athwart the goals: 阻碍目标
  38. athwart the progress: 阻碍进步
  39. athwart the success: 阻碍成功
  40. athwart the achievement: 阻碍成就
  41. athwart the path to victory: 阻碍胜利之路
  42. athwart the plans for growth: 阻碍增长计划
  43. athwart the pursuit of happiness: 阻碍幸福追求
  44. athwart the path to enlightenment: 阻碍启蒙之路
  45. athwart the quest for knowledge: 阻碍知识追寻
  46. athwart the journey to self-discovery: 阻碍自我发现之旅
  47. athwart the road to recovery: 阻碍康复之路
  48. athwart the process of healing: 阻碍疗愈过程
  49. athwart the path of justice: 阻碍正义之路
  50. athwart the fight against injustice: 阻碍对抗不公正之战



athwart (ah THWART) This is a very literary way of saying “across.” You won’t be hearing it on the street, but you will find it in older or poetic writing.

•A famous eighteenth-century poet refers to stars that shoot “athwart the sky.”

•William Buckley says he founded the magazine National Review with the mission of “standing athwart history yelling STOP!”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
•威廉·巴克利(William Buckley)表示,他创办《国家评论》(National Review)杂志的使命是“站在历史的一边,大喊停止!”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
