

  1. beseech for help: 恳求帮助
  2. beseech for forgiveness: 恳求宽恕
  3. beseech for mercy: 恳求怜悯
  4. beseech for guidance: 恳求指引
  5. beseech for understanding: 恳求理解
  6. beseech for love: 恳求爱情
  7. beseech for a favor: 恳求恩惠
  8. beseech for peace: 恳求和平
  9. beseech for blessings: 恳求祝福
  10. beseech for strength: 恳求力量
  11. beseech for wisdom: 恳求智慧
  12. beseech for protection: 恳求保护
  13. beseech for guidance: 恳求指引
  14. beseech for understanding: 恳求理解
  15. beseech for love: 恳求爱情
  16. beseech for a favor: 恳求恩惠
  17. beseech for peace: 恳求和平
  18. beseech for blessings: 恳求祝福
  19. beseech for strength: 恳求力量
  20. beseech for wisdom: 恳求智慧
  21. beseech for protection: 恳求保护
  22. beseech for guidance: 恳求指引
  23. beseech for understanding: 恳求理解
  24. beseech for love: 恳求爱情
  25. beseech for a favor: 恳求恩惠
  26. beseech for peace: 恳求和平
  27. beseech for blessings: 恳求祝福
  28. beseech for strength: 恳求力量
  29. beseech for wisdom: 恳求智慧
  30. beseech for protection: 恳求保护
  31. beseech for guidance: 恳求指引
  32. beseech for understanding: 恳求理解
  33. beseech for love: 恳求爱情
  34. beseech for a favor: 恳求恩惠
  35. beseech for peace: 恳求和平
  36. beseech for blessings: 恳求祝福
  37. beseech for strength: 恳求力量
  38. beseech for wisdom: 恳求智慧
  39. beseech for protection: 恳求保护
  40. beseech for guidance: 恳求指引
  41. beseech for understanding: 恳求理解
  42. beseech for love: 恳求爱情
  43. beseech for a favor: 恳求恩惠
  44. beseech for peace: 恳求和平
  45. beseech for blessings: 恳求祝福
  46. beseech for strength: 恳求力量
  47. beseech for wisdom: 恳求智慧
  48. beseech for protection: 恳求保护
  49. beseech for guidance: 恳求指引
  50. beseech for understanding: 恳求理解



beseech (be SEECH) Related to the word “seek,” this verb emphasizes the earnest and humble nature of a request.

•When Oliver Cromwell wrote on theological matters to the Synod of Scotland in 1650, “I beseech you in the bowels of Christ to think it possible you may be mistaken,” he probably didn’t foresee the day his words would be available on a T-shirt.

•After the McCorkle family lost Beau, their older son, in the war, they beseeched Jeb, the younger boy, not to follow in his brother’s military footsteps.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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beseech(be SEECH)与“寻求”一词相关,这个动词强调请求的真诚和谦逊。
•1650年,奥利弗·克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell)就神学问题向苏格兰议会(Synod of Scotland)写信时,“我在基督的内心里恳求你,认为你可能搞错了,”他可能没有预见到他的话会出现在t恤上的那一天。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
