


  1. emollient lotion: 润肤乳液
  2. emollient cream: 润肤霜
  3. emollient balm: 润肤膏
  4. emollient ointment: 润肤药膏
  5. emollient moisturizer: 润肤保湿霜
  6. emollient soap: 润肤肥皂
  7. emollient cleanser: 温和的洁面乳
  8. emollient lip balm: 润唇膏
  9. emollient body wash: 润肤沐浴露
  10. emollient hair conditioner: 润发护发素
  11. emollient facial mask: 润肤面膜
  12. emollient hand cream: 润手霜
  13. emollient body lotion: 润肤身体乳液
  14. emollient body oil: 润肤身体油
  15. emollient foot cream: 润足霜
  16. emollient bath oil: 润肤沐浴油
  17. emollient baby lotion: 婴儿润肤乳液
  18. emollient shaving cream: 润肤剃须膏
  19. emollient face cleanser: 温和的洁面乳
  20. emollient massage oil: 润肤按摩油
  21. emollient skin toner: 润肤爽肤水
  22. emollient body butter: 润肤身体乳霜
  23. emollient aftershave balm: 须后润肤膏
  24. emollient body scrub: 润肤身体磨砂膏
  25. emollient eye cream: 润肤眼霜
  26. emollient cuticle oil: 润甲油
  27. emollient sunblock lotion: 润肤防晒乳液
  28. emollient face serum: 润肤面部精华液
  29. emollient foot soak: 润足浸泡液
  30. emollient body mist: 润肤身体喷雾
  31. emollient hair mask: 润发发膜
  32. emollient bath salts: 润肤浴盐
  33. emollient cuticle cream: 润甲霜
  34. emollient scalp treatment: 润发头皮护理
  35. emollient body polish: 润肤身体磨砂
  36. emollient foot spray: 润足喷雾
  37. emollient face mist: 润肤面部喷雾
  38. emollient hand sanitizer: 润手消毒液
  39. emollient bath foam: 润肤浴泡沫
  40. emollient cuticle remover: 润甲软化剂
  41. emollient body gel: 润肤身体凝胶
  42. emollient lip scrub: 润唇磨砂膏
  43. emollient hair serum: 润发发丝精华液
  44. emollient face primer: 润肤妆前乳
  45. emollient foot powder: 润足粉
  46. emollient body spray: 润肤身体喷雾
  47. emollient cuticle conditioner: 润甲护理剂
  48. emollient scalp scrub: 润发头皮磨砂
  49. emollient eye gel: 润肤眼部凝胶
  50. emollient body mask: 润肤身体面膜


emollient (ee MOLL yent) Here’s another noun that means “soothing,” but it is used mostly to describe something that softens or soothes the skin.

•After a day of gardening without gloves, Emilia rubbed a special emollient she purchased online over her hands to ease the blisters and chafes on her fingers.

•Many people say that a popular emollient used for moisturizing the hands works quite well as an insect repellant.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
润肤剂(ee MOLL yent)这是另一个名词,意思是“舒缓”,但它主要用于描述软化或舒缓皮肤的东西。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
