
英 ˈænəki] 美 [ˈænərki]


[noun] a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems
[名词] 由于缺乏或不承认权威或其他控制体系而导致的混乱状态


Anarchy 一词源自希腊语 anarkhos (没有统治者的)的抽象名词 anarkhia (没有领袖,人民没有政府的状态),16世纪30年代经古法语 anarchie 或者直接由中古拉丁语 anarchia 进入英语后即用来表示“无政府状态”,也就是政府完全不存在或者停摆的状态,比如:

  • 军事政变之后是一段时期的无政府状态。
    The military coup was followed by a period of anarchy.

虽然到了1849年后, anarchy 开始发展出了由享有完全自由的个人所组成的“无政府乌托邦社会”之义,也就是一种因为社会进化而不需要法律或强加秩序的社会状态或状况,但是在我们并非乌托邦的现实世界, anarchy 主要仍是表示由于无政府、组织、控制等而产生的“混乱、无秩序、无法无天”,即由于正常控制的崩溃而导致的完全紊乱,比如:

  • 当平时的老师不在时,班上一片混乱。
    There was complete anarchy in the classroom when their usual teacher was away.


It is a visual and, therefore, a visceral betrayal.
Stop it!
Such a dumbass.
Thank you!
It’s a total anarchy around here.

出自美国科幻动作电影《变形金刚3》(Transformers: Dark of the Moon)。


  • How could an autonomous vehicle conceived for orderly Germanic roads cope with such anarchy?
  • As American-led peace efforts flounder, experts warn that Sudan risks spiraling into a state of anarchy akin to its most chaotic neighbors.


  1. political anarchy: 政治无政府状态
  2. anarchy and chaos: 无政府和混乱
  3. state of anarchy: 无政府状态
  4. anarchy and disorder: 无政府和混乱
  5. social anarchy: 社会无政府状态
  6. anarchy in the streets: 街头无政府状态
  7. anarchy and lawlessness: 无政府和无法无天
  8. anarchy and rebellion: 无政府和叛乱
  9. anarchy and violence: 无政府和暴力
  10. anarchy and unrest: 无政府和动荡
  11. anarchy and revolution: 无政府和革命
  12. anarchy and disorderliness: 无政府和无秩序
  13. anarchy and insurgency: 无政府和叛乱行动
  14. anarchy and disruption: 无政府和破坏
  15. anarchy and lawlessness: 无政府和无法无天
  16. anarchy and chaos: 无政府和混乱
  17. anarchy and rebellion: 无政府和叛乱
  18. anarchy and violence: 无政府和暴力
  19. anarchy and unrest: 无政府和动荡
  20. anarchy and revolution: 无政府和革命
  21. anarchy and disorderliness: 无政府和无秩序
  22. anarchy and insurgency: 无政府和叛乱行动
  23. anarchy and disruption: 无政府和破坏
  24. anarchy and lawlessness: 无政府和无法无天
  25. anarchy and chaos: 无政府和混乱
  26. anarchy and rebellion: 无政府和叛乱
  27. anarchy and violence: 无政府和暴力
  28. anarchy and unrest: 无政府和动荡
  29. anarchy and revolution: 无政府和革命
  30. anarchy and disorderliness: 无政府和无秩序
  31. anarchy and insurgency: 无政府和叛乱行动
  32. anarchy and disruption: 无政府和破坏
  33. anarchy and lawlessness: 无政府和无法无天
  34. anarchy and chaos: 无政府和混乱
  35. anarchy and rebellion: 无政府和叛乱
  36. anarchy and violence: 无政府和暴力
  37. anarchy and unrest: 无政府和动荡
  38. anarchy and revolution: 无政府和革命
  39. anarchy and disorderliness: 无政府和无秩序
  40. anarchy and insurgency: 无政府和叛乱行动
  41. anarchy and disruption: 无政府和破坏
  42. anarchy and lawlessness: 无政府和无法无天
  43. anarchy and chaos: 无政府和混乱
  44. anarchy and rebellion: 无政府和叛乱
  45. anarchy and violence: 无政府和暴力
  46. anarchy and unrest: 无政府和动荡
  47. anarchy and revolution: 无政府和革命
  48. anarchy and disorderliness: 无政府和无秩序
  49. anarchy and insurgency: 无政府和叛乱行动
  50. anarchy and disruption: 无政府和破坏


anarchy (AN ark ee) Confusion takes a political turn with this word. From the Greek for “without a ruler,” anarchy is a noun which means “the absence of any form of political authority” or a more general “absence of order or control.” The noun “anarchism” means something slightly different; it is a theory that all forms of government are oppressive and should be abolished. Someone who believes in anarchism is an “anarchist.”

•When the principal called the teacher into the hallway, anarchy broke out in the classroom. The students began throwing spitballs and tossing papers out of the window.

•An avowed anarchist, Rachel was opposed to creating a student council in the middle school.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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chaos: complete disorder and confusion

turmoil: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty

upheaval: a violent or sudden change or disruption to something

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
