

  1. launch into a tirade: 开始长篇大论
  2. go on a tirade: 发表激烈长篇抨击
  3. unleash a tirade: 发起一场激烈的抨击
  4. an angry tirade: 愤怒的长篇抨击
  5. a passionate tirade: 充满激情的长篇抨击
  6. deliver a tirade against something: 对某事发表长篇抨击
  7. launch a verbal tirade: 发起口头长篇抨击
  8. a scathing tirade: 尖刻的长篇抨击
  9. an impassioned tirade: 充满激情的长篇抨击
  10. a verbal tirade: 口头长篇抨击
  11. unleash a profanity-laden tirade: 发起一场充满粗口的长篇抨击
  12. a lengthy tirade: 冗长的长篇抨击
  13. a political tirade: 政治性的长篇抨击
  14. a furious tirade: 愤怒的长篇抨击
  15. a public tirade: 公开的长篇抨击
  16. launch a tirade against someone: 对某人发起长篇抨击
  17. a relentless tirade: 无情的长篇抨击
  18. a venomous tirade: 恶毒的长篇抨击
  19. a vitriolic tirade: 刻薄的长篇抨击
  20. deliver a blistering tirade: 发表激烈的长篇抨击


tirade (TYE raid) Like “diatribe,” this noun means an “angry or violent speech, denouncing someone or something.” It comes from the French word for “torture,” the same root as for the word “martyr.”

•Cicero, the Roman orator famous for his public speaking skills, delivered many brilliant tirades in front of the Roman senate.

•When Ed was late for dinner for the third night in a row, his wife launched into a furious tirade about the importance of punctuality and respect for family routines.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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tirade(TYE raid)与“diatribe”一样,这个名词的意思是“愤怒或暴力的言论,谴责某人或某物”。它来自法语中的“折磨”一词,与“烈士”一词的词根相同

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
