

  1. speak with grandiloquence: 以夸张的方式说话
  2. display grandiloquence: 展示夸张的言辞
  3. excessive grandiloquence: 过度的夸张言辞
  4. flamboyant grandiloquence: 华丽夸张的言辞
  5. pretentious grandiloquence: 自命不凡的夸张言辞
  6. political grandiloquence: 政治夸张言辞
  7. empty grandiloquence: 空洞的夸张言辞
  8. the art of grandiloquence: 夸张言辞的艺术
  9. master of grandiloquence: 夸张言辞的大师
  10. engage in grandiloquence: 进行夸张的言辞
  11. a burst of grandiloquence: 一阵夸张言辞
  12. intoxicated with grandiloquence: 沉醉于夸张言辞中
  13. grandiloquence and rhetoric: 夸张言辞和修辞
  14. eloquence tinged with grandiloquence: 以夸张为色彩的雄辩
  15. grandiloquence and bombast: 夸张言辞和浮夸之词
  16. deliver a grandiloquent speech: 发表一场夸张的演讲
  17. rely on grandiloquence: 依赖夸张言辞
  18. theatrical grandiloquence: 戏剧化的夸张言辞
  19. overwhelm with grandiloquence: 用夸张言辞压倒
  20. grandiloquence and exaggeration: 夸张言辞和夸大
  21. fill the air with grandiloquence: 以夸张言辞充斥空气
  22. a display of grandiloquence: 一番夸张言辞的展示
  23. embrace grandiloquence: 拥抱夸张言辞
  24. rise to grandiloquence: 使用夸张言辞
  25. the charm of grandiloquence: 夸张言辞的魅力
  26. express oneself with grandiloquence: 以夸张言辞表达自己
  27. drenched in grandiloquence: 浸泡在夸张言辞中
  28. manipulate grandiloquence: 操纵夸张言辞
  29. a touch of grandiloquence: 一丝夸张言辞
  30. devoid of grandiloquence: 缺乏夸张言辞
  31. temper grandiloquence: 调和夸张言辞
  32. emphasize with grandiloquence: 以夸张言辞强调
  33. grandiloquence and hyperbole: 夸张言辞和夸张修辞
  34. exude grandiloquence: 散发夸张言辞
  35. shower with grandiloquence: 用夸张言辞淋浴
  36. mock grandiloquence: 嘲笑夸张言辞
  37. a hint of grandiloquence: 一丝夸张言辞
  38. grandiloquence and bombast: 夸张言辞和浮夸之辞
  39. burdened by grandiloquence: 被夸张言辞所负累
  40. awe-inspiring grandiloquence: 令人敬畏的夸张言辞
  41. shrouded in grandiloquence: 被夸张言辞所笼罩
  42. grandiloquence and magniloquence: 夸张言辞和夸大之辞
  43. vain grandiloquence: 虚无的夸张言辞
  44. spew grandiloquence: 喷射夸张言辞
  45. gratuitous grandiloquence: 毫无理由的夸张言辞
  46. grandiloquence and hyperbolic rhetoric: 夸张言辞和夸张修辞
  47. pompous grandiloquence: 浮夸的夸张言辞
  48. imbued with grandiloquence: 充满夸张言辞
  49. grandiloquence and showmanship: 夸张言辞和表演技巧
  50. expressed in grandiloquence: 以夸张言辞表达


grandiloquence (grand IL uh kwenss) This noun, literally meaning “grand speaking,” could in theory be positive, but in fact it is always negative, denoting pompous speech.

•Anyone who wants to be more familiar with examples of grandiloquence might look at Independence Day speeches from the nineteenth century—a heavy use of long sentences and flowery abstractions.

•Erica longs to be an eloquent speaker but her over-reliance on artificial phrasing makes her merely grandiloquent.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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夸夸其谈(grand IL uh kwenss)这个名词,字面意思是“宏大的演讲”,理论上可以是肯定的,但实际上它总是否定的,表示浮夸的演讲。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
