

  1. reach the nadir: 达到最低点
  2. hit the nadir: 达到最低点
  3. the nadir of despair: 绝望的最低点
  4. the nadir of his career: 他事业的最低谷
  5. the economy at its nadir: 经济处于最低点
  6. the political nadir: 政治的最低谷
  7. the nadir of poverty: 贫困的最低点
  8. reaching the nadir of incompetence: 达到无能的最低点
  9. the nadir of disappointment: 失望的最低点
  10. the nadir of the recession: 经济衰退的最低谷
  11. the nadir of the crisis: 危机的最低点
  12. the nadir of the stock market: 股市的最低点
  13. the nadir of his popularity: 他的声望的最低谷
  14. the nadir of public trust: 公众信任的最低点
  15. the nadir of the war: 战争的最低点
  16. the nadir of the disease: 疾病的最低点
  17. the nadir of social inequality: 社会不平等的最低点
  18. the nadir of human suffering: 人类苦难的最低点
  19. the nadir of the company’s reputation: 公司声誉的最低谷
  20. the nadir of the housing market: 房地产市场的最低点
  21. the nadir of global warming: 全球变暖的最低点
  22. the nadir of educational standards: 教育标准的最低点
  23. the nadir of cultural decline: 文化衰退的最低点
  24. the nadir of personal failure: 个人失败的最低谷
  25. the nadir of international relations: 国际关系的最低点
  26. the nadir of environmental degradation: 环境恶化的最低点
  27. the nadir of the healthcare system: 医疗保健体系的最低点
  28. the nadir of ethical standards: 道德标准的最低点
  29. the nadir of public safety: 公共安全的最低点
  30. the nadir of personal finances: 个人财务的最低谷
  31. the nadir of political corruption: 政治腐败的最低点
  32. the nadir of human rights violations: 侵犯人权的最低点
  33. the nadir of the pandemic: 疫情的最低点
  34. the nadir of the education system: 教育体系的最低点
  35. the nadir of the global economy: 全球经济的最低点
  36. the nadir of public health: 公共卫生的最低点
  37. the nadir of political instability: 政治不稳定的最低点
  38. the nadir of cultural insensitivity: 文化冷漠的最低点
  39. the nadir of social unrest: 社会动荡的最低点
  40. the nadir of scientific ignorance: 科学无知的最低点
  41. the nadir of personal relationships: 个人关系的最低谷
  42. the nadir of moral decay: 道德沦丧的最低点
  43. the nadir of global poverty: 全球贫困的最低点
  44. the nadir of technological failure: 技术失败的最低谷
  45. the nadir of the job market: 就业市场的最低点
  46. the nadir of civil liberties: 公民自由的最低点
  47. the nadir of the climate crisis: 气候危机的最低点
  48. the nadir of human cruelty: 人类残忍的最低谷
  49. the nadir of economic inequality: 经济不平等的最低点
  50. the nadir of political polarization: 政治两极分化的最低点


nadir (NAY deer) This noun, meaning “lowest point” stands alone against the quartet of words for its opposite. Like “zenith” (#3), it comes into English from the Arabic word for “opposite”; it originally had an exclusively astronomical meaning.

Robby felt he had reached the nadir of his high school years when his girlfriend broke up with him on the same day he received his disappointing test scores.

Hannah’s unbounded optimism allowed her to view the nadir of her fortunes as a challenge to find a new direction for her life.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
nadir(NAY deer)这个名词,意思是“最低点”,与四个词相对立。与“天顶”(#3)一样,它在英语中来自阿拉伯语中的“相反”;它最初只有天文意义。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
