
英 ['hen(t)ʃmən]美 ['hɛntʃmən]


n. 亲信;追随者;(美)走狗;侍从



1. hench- (谐音“痕气、痕乞”) => henchman.


henchman 心腹,亲信


  1. loyal henchman: 忠诚的心腹
  2. trusted henchman: 受信任的得力助手
  3. right-hand henchman: 得力助手
  4. faithful henchman: 忠实的帮手
  5. scheming henchman: 图谋不轨的助手
  6. sinister henchman: 阴险的手下
  7. villain’s henchman: 恶棍的手下
  8. ruthless henchman: 无情的帮凶
  9. powerful henchman: 强大的心腹
  10. corrupt henchman: 腐败的助手
  11. shadowy henchman: 阴暗的心腹
  12. criminal henchman: 罪犯的助手
  13. diabolical henchman: 恶魔般的助手
  14. manipulative henchman: 操纵性的助手
  15. loyal henchman: 忠诚的帮凶
  16. trusty henchman: 可信赖的助手
  17. right-hand henchman: 右膀左臂的助手
  18. faithful henchman: 忠实的得力助手
  19. scheming henchman: 阴谋家的手下
  20. sinister henchman: 阴险的亲信
  21. villain’s henchman: 恶棍的帮凶
  22. ruthless henchman: 冷酷无情的助手
  23. powerful henchman: 有权势的心腹
  24. corrupt henchman: 贪污的助手
  25. shadowy henchman: 神秘的帮手
  26. criminal henchman: 犯罪团伙的手下
  27. diabolical henchman: 恶魔一般的亲信
  28. manipulative henchman: 善于操纵的心腹
  29. henchman of the boss: 老板的心腹
  30. henchman of the criminal organization: 犯罪组织的帮凶
  31. henchman of the evil mastermind: 邪恶主谋的助手
  32. henchman of the corrupt politician: 腐败政客的亲信
  33. henchman of the notorious gangster: 臭名昭著的匪徒的帮手
  34. henchman of the powerful dictator: 权力独裁者的心腹
  35. henchman of the ruthless warlord: 无情的军阀的得力助手
  36. henchman in the criminal underworld: 犯罪黑社会中的手下
  37. henchman in the secret organization: 秘密组织中的亲信
  38. henchman involved in illegal activities: 参与非法活动的助手


henchman (HENCH man) Originally bearing a neutral sense of a trusted follower, this noun has increasingly come to have a negative sense like that of minion (#5), suggesting sycophancy.

The king and his henchmen traveled by horseback through the north of Scotland, looking to shore up support among the nobility there against a threatened invasion.

While no proof is yet available, the press strongly suspects that the leader of the oil lobby is a henchman of Sen. Phogbound, who receives enormous support from owners of oil wells.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
