

  1. cunning guile: 狡猾欺骗
  2. artful guile: 狡猾手法
  3. deceptive guile: 欺诈手段
  4. sly guile: 狡猾诡计
  5. subtle guile: 巧妙伎俩
  6. crafty guile: 狡猾计谋
  7. diabolical guile: 邪恶狡诈
  8. wily guile: 狡猾诡计
  9. clever guile: 聪明手段
  10. ingenious guile: 狡猾巧妙
  11. manipulative guile: 操纵欺骗
  12. treacherous guile: 背叛欺诈
  13. deceitful guile: 欺诈手段
  14. shrewd guile: 狡猾诡计
  15. calculating guile: 狡猾计谋
  16. scheming guile: 诡计手段
  17. slippery guile: 狡猾欺骗
  18. cunning and guile: 狡猾欺诈
  19. ploy of guile: 狡猾伎俩
  20. veil of guile: 狡猾面纱


guile (rhymes with style) This noun means “skillful cunning” or “deceit” and comes from the Old English word for “sorcery.” “To beguile,” a related verb, comes a bit closer to the word’s original roots; though it also means “to deceive,” it often suggests a kind of cunning that is more charming than treacherous.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “The most dangerous physicians are those born actors who imitate born physicians with a perfectly deceptive guile.”

Caught taking an extra cupcake off the food line in the cafeteria, Rasheen beguiled the server with a bright smile and a shrug and said, “It’s for my friend who forgot to take one when she picked up her lunch.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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guile(与风格押韵)这个名词的意思是“巧妙的狡猾”或“欺骗”,来源于古英语中的“巫术”一词。“To beguile”是一个相关的动词,与该词的原始词根更接近;虽然它也有“欺骗”的意思,但它经常暗示一种比背信弃义更迷人的狡猾。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
