

  1. Magical elixir: 魔法药剂,神奇的灵丹妙药
    • “Legend has it that the fountain contained a magical elixir with healing powers.”(传说中喷泉中有一种具有治愈能力的神奇药剂。)
    • “The sorcerer brewed a magical elixir to grant eternal youth.”(巫师炼制了一种神奇药剂,能赐予永恒的青春。)
  2. Elixir of life: 生命之水,长生不老的灵丹妙药
    • “In ancient mythology, the gods possessed the elixir of life.”(在古代神话中,众神拥有生命之水。)
    • “The alchemist dedicated his life to finding the elusive elixir of life.”(炼金术士将一生奉献于寻找那难以捉摸的长生不老的灵丹妙药。)
  3. Elixir of happiness: 幸福之药,快乐的秘诀
    • “To some, music is the elixir of happiness.”(对某些人来说,音乐是快乐的秘诀。)
    • “She believes that kindness and gratitude are the elixir of happiness in life.”(她相信善良和感激之心是人生中的幸福之药。)
  4. Elixir of love: 爱情的灵药,爱的秘密
    • “The poet’s words were like an elixir of love, stirring the hearts of all who read them.”(诗人的文字如同爱情的灵药,激起了所有阅读的人的心弦。)
    • “They believed that trust and understanding were the elixir of love in their relationship.”(他们相信信任和理解是他们感情中的爱的秘密。)
  5. Healing elixir: 治愈之药,疗愈的灵丹妙药
    • “The herbalist prepared a healing elixir using various medicinal plants.”(草药师用多种草药制备了一种治愈之药。)
    • “The doctor prescribed a healing elixir to help boost the patient’s immune system.”(医生开了一种治愈之药,帮助增强患者的免疫系统。)
  6. Restorative elixir: 恢复之药,滋补的灵丹妙药
    • “The spa offered a restorative elixir to rejuvenate the body and mind.”(温泉中心提供一种滋补之药,使身心恢复活力。)
    • “The ancient texts spoke of a restorative elixir that could bring vitality and vigor to those who consumed it.”(古代的文献中记载着一种恢复之药,可以使服用者焕发活力和精力。)



在古老的炼金术中,“哲人之石” ( the philosopher’s stone )是中世纪炼金术士们绞尽脑汁千方百计想要制造出来的灵石。它可以将贱金属转化成完美的纯金,有时还被认为是神奇的药剂,有着治疗万病、返老还 童和长生不老的神奇功效。在几百年间,贤者之石就像是炼金术的圣杯一样,吸引着欧洲一代又一代炼金术士前仆后继地沉浸于制造“哲人之石”的伟大工作之中。

用“哲人之石”制成的干粉在阿拉伯语中被称为 al-iksir ,其中的 al 是定冠词, iksir 是“干粉”的意思。英语单词 elixir 就来自阿拉伯语 al-iksir ,指的就是用“哲人之石”制成的灵丹妙药。

  • elixir: [ɪ’lɪksɚ] n. 长生不老药,万能药,炼金药


elixir (ee LIX er) A liquid potion or medicine falsely believed to cure any ailment.

  • In earlier centuries, dishonest traveling salesmen peddled elixirs that would cure all ills—or so they promised before they quickly left town.
  • Could love be the true elixir? The composer Donizetti wrote an opera based on just such a premise.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
