
英 [njʊə'rɒtɪk]美 [nʊ'rɑtɪk]


adj. 神经过敏的;神经病的
n. 神经病患者;神经过敏者




neurotic 神经质的,神经过敏的


关于单词 “neurotic” 的一些短语及其中文解释:

  1. Neurotic behavior: 神经质的行为
    • “Her constant worrying and overthinking are signs of neurotic behavior.”(她经常担心和过度思考是神经质行为的表现。)
    • “The therapist helped him address his neurotic behavior patterns.”(治疗师帮助他解决了他的神经质行为模式。)
  2. Neurotic tendencies: 神经质倾向
    • “He has some neurotic tendencies and is prone to excessive anxiety.”(他有一些神经质倾向,容易过度焦虑。)
    • “Her perfectionism and need for control are indicative of neurotic tendencies.”(她的完美主义和控制欲表明她有神经质倾向。)
  3. Neurotic anxiety: 神经质焦虑
    • “She experiences neurotic anxiety about even the smallest decisions.”(她对即使是最小的决定都感到神经质焦虑。)
    • “His neurotic anxiety often leads to panic attacks.”(他的神经质焦虑经常导致恐慌发作。)
  4. Neurotic tendencies: 神经质的倾向
    • “She exhibits neurotic tendencies, such as obsessive-compulsive behaviors.”(她表现出神经质的倾向,如强迫症行为。)
    • “His neurotic tendencies make it difficult for him to relax and enjoy life.”(他的神经质倾向使他很难放松和享受生活。)
  5. Neurotic thoughts: 神经质的想法
    • “He constantly battles with neurotic thoughts of failure and self-doubt.”(他不断与失败和自我怀疑的神经质思想作斗争。)
    • “Her neurotic thoughts often spiral into irrational fears and worries.”(她的神经质思绪经常转变为不合理的恐惧和担忧。)
  6. Neurotic tendencies: 神经质的倾向
    • “He displays neurotic tendencies, such as excessive cleanliness and fear of germs.”(他展示出神经质的倾向,如过度清洁和对细菌的恐惧。)
    • “Her neurotic tendencies manifest in constant self-doubt and a need for reassurance.”(她的神经质倾向表现为持续的自我怀疑和对安慰的需求。)


neurotic (nur OT ik or nyoor OT ik) Although a century ago, this adjective was considered a scientific term for various emotional or mental disor-ders, such as hypochondria, it is now only used informally to mean exces-sively anxious or upset. A related word, which you might run across in a nineteenth-century novel, is “neurasthenic,” which referred to nervous exhaustion and breakdown. Both words share the prefix which means “having to do with the nervous system.”

  • Meg’s dog Georgia was a bit neurotic; every time Meg left the house, Georgia would begin to howl and paw frantically at the door.
  • Joel’s friends called him neurotic because he was always so anxious before taking an exam, but Joel believed his anxiety helped him to study hard and do well.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
神经质(nur OT ik或nyoor OT ik)虽然一个世纪前,这个形容词被认为是各种情绪或精神障碍的科学术语,例如疑病,但现在只被非正式地用来表示极度焦虑或不安。你可能会在19世纪的小说中遇到一个相关的词,那就是“神经衰弱”,指的是神经衰竭和崩溃。这两个词共用前缀,意思是“与神经系统有关”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
