

  • 定义:Tautology 是名词,表示在陈述中使用多余或重复的词语或表达方式,导致冗长或无意义的陈述。它在逻辑学和修辞学中具有特定的含义。
  • 小标题用法说明
  1. 逻辑学上的tautology:表示在逻辑陈述中包含重复或冗余的表达方式,导致陈述始终为真。
    • In logic, a tautology is a statement that is always true, regardless of the truth values of its components.
    • “A or not A” is an example of a tautology in propositional logic.
  2. 修辞学上的tautology:表示在修辞或文学作品中使用多余的词语或表达方式,导致陈述重复或显得冗长。
    • The writer’s excessive use of adjectives in describing the scene amounted to tautology.
    • The speaker’s constant repetition of the same idea resulted in tautology and loss of audience interest.
  3. 语言中的tautology:表示日常语言中的一种不必要的重复,使用了冗余的词语或表达方式。
    • “I saw it with my own eyes” is a tautology since seeing implies using one’s eyes.
    • Saying “I’ll meet you at 12 noon exactly” is tautological since noon already signifies 12 o’clock.
  • 词源:Tautology 源自希腊语 “tautologia”,由 “tauto”(同样的)和 “logia”(言论)组成。

请注意,tautology 在逻辑学和修辞学中有特定的定义和用法,指涉了多余、冗余和重复的陈述。在日常语言中,我们也可以注意避免使用不必要的重复,以使陈述更加简洁和清晰。



  1. Avoid tautology: 避免重复
  2. Eliminate tautological statements: 消除废话陈述
  3. Identify tautological expressions: 辨识同义反复的表达
  4. Tautology in logic: 逻辑中的重复陈述
  5. Tautology in language: 语言中的废话
  6. Tautological reasoning: 重复的推理
  7. Tautological phrases: 废话短语
  8. Tautology in writing: 写作中的重复
  9. Spotting tautology: 察觉重复
  10. Tautology in mathematical proofs: 数学证明中的同义反复
  11. Tautology in scientific research: 科学研究中的废话
  12. Tautological arguments: 重复的论证
  13. Tautology in advertising: 广告中的废话
  14. Tautological statements in literature: 文学作品中的同义反复陈述
  15. Tautology in public speaking: 公众演讲中的重复


tautology (taw TOL oh jee) Like “redundancy,” this noun means “a needless repetition of the same words or phrases.” It can also be used to describe an empty statement composed of simple statements that make it logically true, whether the simple statements are factually true or not.

“The general consensus of opinion” and “7 a.m. in the morning” are both tautologies; one only needs to say “the consensus” and “7 a.m.”

“I am either in love with you or I’m crazy about you,” Harry said, offering a meaningless tautology rather than an expression of his deepest feelings.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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重言式(taw TOL oh jee)与“冗余”一样,这个名词的意思是“相同单词或短语的不必要重复”。它也可以用来描述一个由简单陈述组成的空陈述,这些简单陈述在逻辑上是真的,无论这些简单陈述是否真实。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
