

  • 定义:Bowdlerize 是一个动词,意为删除、修改或削弱文学、艺术作品中的不雅、冒犯或争议性内容,以使其更适合普遍接受或符合道德标准。这个词源于19世纪英国医生和编者Thomas Bowdler,他以删改莎士比亚戏剧的方式来创作适合家庭阅读的版本。
  • 例句
    1. The novel was heavily bowdlerized before its publication to comply with the prevailing societal norms.(该小说在出版前被大量删改,以符合当时的社会规范。)
    2. Some critics argue that bowdlerizing classic literature diminishes its artistic and historical value.(一些评论家认为删改经典文学削弱了其艺术和历史价值。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 删除或修改不雅内容
    • The movie adaptation of the novel had to be bowdlerized to receive a lower age rating.(该小说的电影改编必须删改内容以获得更低的年龄评级。)
    • The original text was bowdlerized to remove explicit language and sexual scenes.(原文被删改以删除露骨的语言和性场景。)
  2. 削弱或修改争议性内容
    • The government pressured the newspaper to bowdlerize the article criticizing its policies.(政府施压要求报纸删改批评其政策的文章。)
    • Some believe that bowdlerizing history textbooks leads to a distorted view of the past.(有人认为删改历史教科书会导致对过去的扭曲观点。)
  3. 适应道德标准或普遍接受
    • The lyrics of the song were bowdlerized to make it suitable for radio airplay.(歌曲的歌词被删改,以适应广播播放。)
    • The classic novel was bowdlerized for a children’s edition, removing violent and explicit content.(为了儿童版,这本经典小说被删改,删除了暴力和露骨内容。)

总之,bowdlerize 是一个动词,意为删除、修改或削弱文学、艺术作品中的不雅、冒犯或争议性内容,以使其更适合普遍接受或符合道德标准。它可以描述删除或修改不雅内容、削弱或修改争议性内容,以及适应道德标准或普遍接受的情况。



  1. Censor the content: 对内容进行审查
  2. Edit out offensive material: 删除冒犯性内容
  3. Remove explicit language: 删除明确的用语
  4. Redact inappropriate content: 删除不适当的内容
  5. Clean up the text: 清理文本
  6. Sanitize the language: 消除不雅语言
  7. Purge offensive elements: 清除冒犯元素
  8. Tone down the objectionable parts: 降低令人反感的部分
  9. Modify the text for appropriateness: 修改文本以符合适当性
  10. Revise for sensitive content: 针对敏感内容进行修订
  11. Filter out offensive language: 过滤冒犯性语言
  12. Depict a more family-friendly version: 描绘一个更适合家庭的版本
  13. Delete or alter controversial sections: 删除或修改有争议的部分
  14. Whitewash the text: 润色文本
  15. Soften the language: 缓和语言



英语单词 bowdlerize (删改)源自英国人托马斯·鲍德勒( Thomas Bowdler )。他本是一名医生和慈善家,但让他载入史册的却是他对一些文学名著的删改净化,其中包括大名鼎鼎的《莎士比亚戏剧集》。由于担心《莎士比亚戏剧集》中的一些不雅词汇对儿童产生不良影响,他投入大量时间,对其进行了删改和净化,保留了其中的精华,而将一些他认为粗俗的语句进行了删改,从而推出了家庭版的《莎士比亚戏剧集》。这样,在客厅中为全家朗读莎士比亚的著名戏剧时,就不至于因为某些不雅语句而引发尴尬了。

Bowdler 对文学名著的删改行为,众人褒贬不一。有人鼓掌叫好,也有人讽刺是对名著的阉割。不管怎样, Bowdler 的举动引发了人们对出版内容对儿童的影响的思考,最终引发了政府的出版审查制度( censorship )。 Bowdler 本人的名字也因此载入史册,从中诞生了 bowdlerize (删改)、 bowdlerism (任意删改)等英语单词。

  • bowdlerize:[‘baʊdləraɪz] vt. 删改,净化,删改不雅语句
  • bowdlerism:[‘baʊdlərɪzəm] n. 为净化而删改的做法


bowdlerize (BODE ler ize) Like expurgate, this verb has to do with literary cleansing. It comes from Thomas Bowdler (1754–1825), who published an expurgated version of Shakespeare “in which those words or expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a family.” It means to “cleanse a manuscript of what is deemed ‘offensive’ material” or to “shorten it so as to skew the content in a certain way.” The noun form is “bowdlerization.”

  • The novels of Henry Miller are too explicit to bowdlerize; by the time a conservative editor finished removing offensive material there would be little left to read.
  • Horrified by the bowdlerization of the Shakespeare editions at her school, the English teacher collected them all and burned them.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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鲍德莱泽(BODE ler ize)与删节一样,这个动词与文学清洗有关。它来自托马斯·鲍德勒(1754–1825),他出版了莎士比亚的删节版,“在删节版中,那些单词或短语被省略了,而这些单词或短语不能在一个家庭中大声朗读”。它的意思是“清除手稿中被视为‘冒犯’的材料”或“将其缩短,以便以某种方式扭曲内容”。名词形式是“删节化”
亨利·米勒(Henry Miller)的小说过于露骨,无法进行删节;当一位保守派编辑删除了冒犯性的材料时,剩下的内容将所剩无几。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
