

  • 定义:Apotheosis 是名词,表示至高点、典范、神化的意思。在不同语境下,它可以有以下用法:
  • 例句
    1. The novel is considered the apotheosis of the author’s literary career.
    2. The artist’s masterpiece was hailed as the apotheosis of Renaissance art.
  • 小标题用法说明
  1. 至高点、顶峰:指某个事物或个体达到了最高的境界、最完美的状态或最高峰的表现。
    • The Golden Age of Athens is often regarded as the apotheosis of ancient Greek civilization.
    • The chef’s signature dish was the apotheosis of culinary excellence.
  2. 典范、典型:指某个事物或个体作为典范或典型代表。
    • The movie is often seen as the apotheosis of romantic comedies.
    • Her successful business career became the apotheosis of hard work and determination.
  3. 神化:指将某个人或事物提升到神圣或神性的地位。
    • The ancient Greeks believed that heroes who died in battle were apotheosized and became gods.
    • The singer’s tragic death only served to apotheosize her talent and legend.
  • 词源:Apotheosis 源自希腊词汇 “apotheōsis”,意为 “提升为神的状态”,由 “apo”(向上)和 “theos”(神)组成。

请注意,apotheosis 是一个比较正式的词汇,通常用于描述超越常人、达到最高境界或成为典范的情况。它的使用频率较低,更常见于文学、艺术和宗教等领域。



  1. The apotheosis of beauty: 完美的美的典范
  2. Reach the apotheosis: 达到最高境界
  3. The apotheosis of success: 成功的最高点
  4. The apotheosis of love: 爱的极致表达
  5. The apotheosis of art: 艺术的完美体现
  6. The apotheosis of a hero: 英雄的崇高化
  7. The apotheosis of greatness: 伟大的最高境界
  8. The apotheosis of wisdom: 智慧的最高境界
  9. The apotheosis of courage: 勇气的极致展示
  10. The apotheosis of a concept: 概念的完美表达
  11. The apotheosis of talent: 才华的最高点
  12. The apotheosis of virtue: 美德的极致体现
  13. The apotheosis of human potential: 人类潜力的最高境界
  14. The apotheosis of a visionary: 先知的崇高化
  15. The apotheosis of a masterpiece: 杰作的完美展示


apotheosis (ah POTH ee OH sis) This noun comes to us from the Greek and means “glorification” or “giving God-like stature to.” A good syn-onym is “deification.” The verb form is “apotheosize.”

  • Many people believe that Michelangelo’s towering sculpture David apotheosized manly perfection.
  • In his essay “Uses of Great Men,” the nineteenth-century writer Ralph Waldo Emerson has written: “There are no common men. All men are at last of a size; and true art is only possible, on the conviction that every talent has its apotheosis somewhere.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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apotheosis(ah POTH ee OH sis)这个名词来自希腊语,意思是“荣耀”或“给予上帝般的地位”。一个好的同义词是“神化”。动词形式是“apotheosize”
19世纪作家拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)在他的文章《伟人的用途》(Use of Great Men)中写道:“世上没有普通人。所有的人最终都是一样大小的;真正的艺术只有在相信每一个天才都有其神化之处的前提下才有可能。”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
