Dai Shulun Poem: A Fisherman’s Song on the Orchid Stream – 戴叔伦《兰溪棹歌》








[1] 兰溪:在今浙江省兰溪县西南。

[2] 棹歌:古代的一种船歌。棹(zhào),划(船)。

[3] 凉月:清凉的月色。

[4] 柳湾:柳树环绕的水湾。

[5] 越中:今浙江省东部地区,春秋时为越国所在地。

[6] 桃花雨:指桃花开放时下的雨,即春雨。

[7] 滩:指河、海、湖边比岸低的地方。

A Fisherman’s Song on the Orchid Stream

Dai Shulun

The eyebrow-like cool moon hangs over Willow Bay,

The southern mountains seem in the mirror to sway.

Three days rain’s fallen with peach petals on the stream;

At midnight on the beach leap the fish, carp and bream.

This short song describes the beauty of the Orchid Stream and the joy of a fisherman.


The Song of Orchid River is a famous poem written by Dai Shu Lun, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem depicts the beautiful scenery of the landscape and the joyful mood of the fishermen on a spring night by the Lanxi River. The poem consists of four lines. The first two lines are about the moon, the trees, the river bay and the mountains reflected in the water, and the poem is written in a slender and beautiful way; the second two lines give people a completely different feeling, as if they are quoting a folk saying, which is catchy and simple, but also incredibly descriptive of the fact that the fish in Lanxi River will be abundant after the spring rain. The verses before and after the poem are different, but they harmoniously combine to create a picture of a moonlit night on the spring river.
