Socrates was ugly, Plato was fat, and, um, and Aristotle was a prissy dresser 苏格拉底长得丑陋,柏拉图肥胖,亚里士多德是一个神经质的人!” 《大卫·戈尔的一生》
Socrates was ugly, Plato was fat, and, um, and Aristotle was a prissy dresser 苏格拉底长得丑陋,柏拉图肥胖,亚里士多德是一个神经质的人!” 《大卫·戈尔的一生》
How long will I love you? 对你的爱会持续多久 As long as stars are above you, 只要你头顶的星星依旧闪烁 《时空恋旅人》
We’re all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this rem...
It’s very bad for a girl to be too pretty. It stops her developing a sense of humor. Or a personality. 女孩长得太漂亮是件很糟...
We’re all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this rem...
I love your eyes.And I love the rest of your face,too. 我喜欢你的眼睛和除了眼睛的其他部分。 《时空恋旅人》
We’re all travelling through time together everyday of our lives. 我们生活的每一天,都在一起穿越时空。 All we can do is do our best ...
All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride. 我们唯一能做的,就是好好珍惜这段不凡的旅程。 《时空恋旅人》
#经典# 生活总是喜忧参半, 无论你是谁。 ——《时空恋旅人》