

ahead [ə’hed] adj. 向前;在前的;领先  adv. 向前地;领先地;预先;在将来
ahead 向前地 ←词中词→ head 头
eg. Jim Green will head for the bus stop, but the road ahead is blocked.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


关于 “ahead“(在前面)的更多短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Get ahead of the curve: 抢占先机
  2. Get ahead of oneself: 过于自信
  3. Forge ahead with determination: 坚定地前进
  4. Forge ahead with confidence: 自信地前进
  5. Stay one step ahead of the competition: 保持领先于竞争对手
  6. Surge ahead of the pack: 超越其他人
  7. Take a step ahead: 迈出一步
  8. Take the lead: 领先
  9. Take the initiative: 主动行动
  10. Break new ground: 开辟新天地
  11. Make strides: 取得进步
  12. Press ahead relentlessly: 不懈地向前
  13. Push the boundaries: 拓宽界限
  14. Move forward with determination: 坚定地向前迈进
  15. Move ahead with purpose: 有目的地前进
  16. Look to the future: 着眼未来
  17. Think ahead: 提前考虑
  18. Stay ahead of the game: 保持领先地位
  19. Stay ahead of the curve: 保持领先优势
  20. Stay ahead of the pack: 保持领先地位
  21. Stay ahead of the trends: 保持对趋势的领先
  22. Race ahead: 飞速前进
  23. Stay one step ahead of the game: 保持一步领先
  24. Gain a competitive edge: 获得竞争优势
  25. Lead the way: 带头
  26. Charge forward: 前冲
  27. Surge forward: 急速前进
  28. Move onward: 继续前进
  29. Look ahead and plan: 展望并规划
  30. Take the next step: 迈出下一步
  31. Make headway: 取得进展
  32. Keep the momentum going: 保持势头
  33. Keep moving forward: 不断向前
  34. Proceed with confidence: 自信地前行
  35. Take the forward path: 选择向前的道路
  36. Blaze a trail: 开辟新道路
  37. Go ahead at full speed: 全速前进
  38. Drive forward: 推动前进
  39. Charge ahead fearlessly: 毫无畏惧地冲向前方
  40. Pursue progress: 追求进步
  41. Break ahead of the competition: 超越竞争对手
  42. Set the pace: 设定节奏
  43. Keep ahead of the curve: 保持领先优势
  44. Move swiftly ahead: 迅速前进
  45. Take an early lead: 提前取得领先
  46. Outpace the competition: 超过竞争对手
  47. Strive for advancement: 追求进步
  48. Keep up the forward momentum: 保持前进势头
  49. Lead the charge: 带头冲锋
  50. Keep ahead of the game: 保持领先地位
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
