Du Mu Poem: At Parting – 杜牧《赠别二首》














[1] 娉娉袅袅:这里用来形容女子的姿态姣弱、美好。《乐府诗集·春歌》:“娉婷扬袖舞,阿那曲身轻。”《玉台新咏》中沈约《十咏》:“不声如动吹,无风自袅枝。”娉,貌美。袅,柔弱。

[2] 豆蔻:多年生草本植物,外形像芭蕉,叶子细长,开花淡黄,有香气。后采称女子十三四岁的年纪为豆蔻年华。

[3] 珠帘:有珍珠缀饰的帘子。谢胱《谢宣城集·玉阶怨》:“夕殿下珠帘,流萤飞复见。”

[4] 樽:又作“尊”。一种盛酒器。李白有诗《前有樽酒行》:“春风东来忽相过.金樽绿酒生微波。”

At Parting

Du Mu


Not yet fourteen, she’s fair and slender

Like early budding flower tender.

Though Yangzhou Road’s beyond compare,

Pearly screen uprolled, none’s so fair.


Deep, deep our love, too deep to show;

Deep, deep we drink, silent we grow.

The candle grieves to see us part,

It melts in tears with burnt-out heart.

The poet describes his young love in Yangzhou as incomparable in the first quatrain and compares their heart to the burnt-out candle wick in the second.


Two Songs of Farewell” is a group poem by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The first poem focuses on the beauty of a courtesan in Yangzhou, praising her as the most beautiful of all Yangzhou courtesans. The first stanza describes the body and physique of the young girl, and her age and charm; the second stanza uses a flower as a metaphor for her beauty; the third and fourth stanzas use the moon as a star to write that she is the only one among the many beautiful girls in Yangzhou. The second stanza focuses on the farewell, depicting the beauty of the girl.
The second song focuses on the farewell, depicting the difficult feelings of parting with the courtesan at the banquet. The first line is about the depression and silence at the banquet, which seems to be cold and heartless; the second line is about “laughing but not being able to”, which shows that it is not heartless but depressed and sentimental, which is actually sentimental, responding to the first line. The last two lines move to the candle, giving it a richness of human emotion, with deep and lingering thoughts.
