

  1. Bold audacity: 大胆的胆量
  2. Creative audacity: 创意的大胆
  3. Unapologetic audacity: 不道歉的大胆
  4. audacity of ambition: 抱负的大胆
  5. audacity of imagination: 想象力的大胆
  6. audacity of hope: 希望的大胆
  7. audacity of change: 变革的大胆
  8. audacity of vision: 视野的大胆
  9. audacity of expression: 表达的大胆
  10. audacity of style: 风格的大胆
  11. audacity to dream: 梦想的大胆
  12. audacity to challenge: 挑战的大胆
  13. audacity to innovate: 创新的大胆
  14. audacity to question: 质疑的大胆
  15. audacity to defy: 公然反抗的大胆
  16. audacity to experiment: 实验的大胆
  17. audacity to speak up: 大胆发声
  18. audacity to stand out: 大胆脱颖而出
  19. audacity to take risks: 冒险的大胆
  20. audacity to lead: 领导的大胆
  21. audacity to overcome: 克服的大胆
  22. audacity to persevere: 坚持的大胆
  23. audacity to confront: 直面的大胆
  24. audacity to break boundaries: 打破界限的大胆
  25. audacity to challenge norms: 挑战常规的大胆
  26. audacity to demand change: 要求变革的大胆
  27. audacity to speak truth: 说真话的大胆
  28. audacity to fight for justice: 为正义而战的大胆
  29. audacity to pursue passion: 追求激情的大胆
  30. audacity to embrace failure: 接受失败的大胆
  31. audacity to redefine success: 重新定义成功的大胆
  32. audacity to challenge authority: 挑战权威的大胆
  33. audacity to question tradition: 质疑传统的大胆
  34. audacity to speak out against injustice: 反对不公的大胆发声
  35. audacity to follow one’s instincts: 跟随直觉的大胆
  36. audacity to take a leap of faith: 信仰跳跃的大胆
  37. audacity to stand up for what’s right: 为正义而站立的大胆
  38. audacity to challenge the status quo: 挑战现状的大胆
  39. audacity to go against the grain: 反其道而行的大胆
  40. audacity to dream big: 做大梦的大胆
  41. audacity to question the establishment: 质疑权威的大胆
  42. audacity to make a difference: 有所作为的大胆
  43. audacity to break free from limitations: 摆脱限制的大胆
  44. audacity to challenge the odds: 挑战几率的大胆
  45. audacity to speak truth to power: 以真理面对权力的大胆
  46. audacity to create change: 创造变革的大胆
  47. audacity to defy expectations: 违背预期的大胆
  48. audacity to stand up for oneself: 为自己而站立的大胆
  49. audacity to pursue unconventional paths: 追求非传统道路的大胆
  50. audacity to leave a lasting legacy: 留下持久遗产的大胆



audacity (aw DASS it ee) From the Latin word for “to dare,” this noun has a slightly different intent. Someone who has audacity is fearlessly, often recklessly, daring. An audacious act is often committed without regard for prudence or convention.

•The editor audaciously translated The Odyssey into prose, heedless of the poetic rhyme and meter evident in earlier translations.

•“The audacity of that girl!” shouted Mrs. Sloan-Hawkins. “How dare she wear sneakers to the debutante ball?”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
audacity(aw DASS it ee)这个名词来自拉丁语单词“to dare”,意思略有不同。有胆量的人是无畏的,通常是鲁莽的。大胆的行为往往是不顾谨慎或惯例的。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
