
英 ['ɔːtəkræt] 美 ['ɔtəkræt]


n. 独裁者,专制君主;独断独行的人




autocrat 独裁者
前缀auto-, 自己的。词根crat, 管理者。


  1. Power-hungry autocrat: 渴望权力的独裁者
  2. Tyrannical autocrat: 暴虐的独裁者
  3. Absolute autocrat: 绝对的独裁者
  4. Authoritarian autocrat: 权威主义的独裁者
  5. Oppressive autocrat: 压迫性的独裁者
  6. Ruthless autocrat: 无情的独裁者
  7. Despotic autocrat: 专制的独裁者
  8. Dictatorial autocrat: 独裁的独裁者
  9. Iron-fisted autocrat: 铁腕的独裁者
  10. autocrat ruler: 独裁统治者
  11. autocrat regime: 独裁政权
  12. autocrat leader: 独裁领导人
  13. autocrat government: 独裁政府
  14. autocrat regime: 独裁体制
  15. autocrat rule: 独裁统治
  16. autocrat‘s authority: 独裁者的权威
  17. autocrat‘s control: 独裁者的控制
  18. autocrat‘s power: 独裁者的权力
  19. autocrat‘s regime: 独裁者的政权
  20. autocrat‘s rule: 独裁者的统治
  21. Challenge the autocrat: 挑战独裁者
  22. Overthrow the autocrat: 推翻独裁者
  23. Resist the autocrat: 抵抗独裁者
  24. Depose the autocrat: 废黜独裁者
  25. Subvert the autocrat: 颠覆独裁者
  26. Defy the autocrat: 违抗独裁者
  27. Oppose the autocrat: 反对独裁者
  28. Challenge the autocrat‘s authority: 质疑独裁者的权威
  29. autocrat‘s iron grip: 独裁者的铁腕掌控
  30. autocrat‘s ruthless tactics: 独裁者的无情策略
  31. autocrat‘s oppressive rule: 独裁者的压迫统治
  32. autocrat‘s authoritarian regime: 独裁者的权威主义政权
  33. autocrat‘s dictatorial policies: 独裁者的独裁政策
  34. autocrat‘s abuses of power: 独裁者的滥用权力
  35. autocrat‘s suppression of dissent: 独裁者的压制异议
  36. autocrat‘s control over the media: 独裁者对媒体的控制
  37. autocrat‘s disregard for human rights: 独裁者对人权的漠视
  38. autocrat‘s manipulation of elections: 独裁者操控选举
  39. autocrat‘s propaganda machine: 独裁者的宣传机器
  40. autocrat‘s cult of personality: 独裁者的个人崇拜
  41. autocrat‘s seizure of power: 独裁者的夺权
  42. autocrat‘s reign of terror: 独裁者的恐怖统治
  43. autocrat‘s suppression of opposition: 独裁者的压制反对派
  44. autocrat‘s consolidation of power: 独裁者的巩固权力
  45. autocrat‘s arbitrary rule: 独裁者的武断统治
  46. autocrat‘s violation of civil liberties: 独裁者的侵犯公民自由
  47. autocrat‘s grip on the economy: 独裁者对经济的掌控
  48. autocrat‘s nepotism: 独裁者的裙带关系
  49. autocrat‘s centralization of authority: 独裁者的权力集中化
  50. autocrat‘s suppression of dissenting voices: 独裁者的压制异议声音



autocrat (AW toe krat) An autocracy is government by one individual, so an autocrat is either a ruler of that sort or, more generally, a person whose power and authority have no limit.

•In 1858 Oliver Wendell Holmes published his Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. These essays pretend to record accounts of the morning meal in a boarding house by the presumed “ruler” of the group.

•Was Craig bragging or complaining when he stated that his household became an autocracy when his son was born? “Nancy and I do whatever little Ryland wants or needs,” he said.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
专制者(AW toe krat)专制是由一个人统治的,所以专制者要么是那种统治者,要么是权力和权威没有限制的人。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
