

关于 “byzantine“(拜占庭的,复杂的)的一些常用短语:

  1. byzantine architecture: 拜占庭建筑
  2. byzantine empire: 拜占庭帝国
  3. byzantine art: 拜占庭艺术
  4. byzantine civilization: 拜占庭文明
  5. byzantine history: 拜占庭历史
  6. byzantine culture: 拜占庭文化
  7. byzantine mosaic: 拜占庭马赛克
  8. byzantine church: 拜占庭教堂
  9. byzantine icon: 拜占庭图标
  10. byzantine emperor: 拜占庭皇帝
  11. byzantine influence: 拜占庭影响
  12. byzantine era: 拜占庭时代
  13. byzantine literature: 拜占庭文学
  14. byzantine politics: 拜占庭政治
  15. byzantine religion: 拜占庭宗教
  16. byzantine coin: 拜占庭硬币
  17. byzantine diplomacy: 拜占庭外交
  18. byzantine law: 拜占庭法律
  19. byzantine society: 拜占庭社会
  20. byzantine warfare: 拜占庭战争
  21. byzantine iconography: 拜占庭图像艺术
  22. byzantine emperorship: 拜占庭帝位
  23. byzantine trade: 拜占庭贸易
  24. byzantine theologian: 拜占庭神学家
  25. byzantine administration: 拜占庭行政
  26. byzantine literature: 拜占庭文献
  27. byzantine city: 拜占庭城市
  28. byzantine chant: 拜占庭圣歌
  29. byzantine iconoclasm: 拜占庭圣像破坏运动
  30. byzantine court: 拜占庭法庭
  31. byzantine mosaic art: 拜占庭马赛克艺术
  32. byzantine era: 拜占庭时代
  33. byzantine monasticism: 拜占庭修道主义
  34. byzantine theologian: 拜占庭神学家
  35. byzantine influence: 拜占庭影响
  36. byzantine civilization: 拜占庭文明
  37. byzantine fortifications: 拜占庭防御工事
  38. byzantine church architecture: 拜占庭教堂建筑
  39. byzantine legal system: 拜占庭法律制度
  40. byzantine bureaucracy: 拜占庭官僚制度
  41. byzantine heritage: 拜占庭遗产
  42. byzantine aristocracy: 拜占庭贵族
  43. byzantine intellectual: 拜占庭知识分子
  44. byzantine iconography: 拜占庭图像艺术
  45. byzantine palace: 拜占庭宫殿
  46. byzantine mosaic decoration: 拜占庭马赛克装饰
  47. byzantine military strategy: 拜占庭军事战略
  48. byzantine literature: 拜占庭文学
  49. byzantine political intrigue: 拜占庭政治阴谋
  50. byzantine gold coin: 拜占庭金币


byzantine (BIZ uhn teen) (sometimes capitalized) This adjective is in increasingly common use to describe something excessively compli-cated, especially when the complexities come about through intrigue or scheming. The origin, of course, lies in the word Byzantine as refer-ring to the eastern part of the later Roman Empire. Was the Byzantine Empire byzantine?

•Although the company has very few written rules, the informal structure is byzantine, leaving new employees bewildered until they figure out whom to see about what.

•Sociologists are increasingly interested in the rather byzantine social codes of preadolescent girls: if Millie insults Mollie, will Maggie snub Millie?
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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拜占庭(BIZ uhn teen)(有时大写)这个形容词越来越常用于描述过于复杂的事物,尤其是当复杂的事物通过阴谋或阴谋而产生时。当然,起源于拜占庭这个词,指的是后来罗马帝国的东部。拜占庭帝国是拜占庭帝国吗?

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
