

n. 整理
v. 校对;对照(collate的ing形式)



collude [kə’ljuːd] v. 勾结;串通;共谋
collude 串通 ←同首词→ cooperate 合作
eg. The officials were in jail on charges of colluding with the Mafia.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Collude with competitors: 与竞争对手串通
  2. Collude in a conspiracy: 参与阴谋
  3. Collude for personal gain: 为个人利益串通
  4. Collude to manipulate prices: 串通操纵价格
  5. Collude to deceive others: 串通欺骗他人
  6. Collude to rig elections: 串通操纵选举
  7. Collude for financial fraud: 为金融欺诈串通
  8. Collude to evade taxes: 串通逃税
  9. Collude to cover up wrongdoing: 串通掩盖不法行为
  10. Collude with corrupt officials: 与腐败官员串通
  11. Collude with organized crime: 与有组织犯罪团伙串通
  12. Collude to circumvent regulations: 串通规避监管
  13. Collude to undermine competition: 串通破坏竞争
  14. Collude to gain a monopoly: 串通获得垄断地位
  15. Collude to manipulate the stock market: 串通操纵股市
  16. Collude to fix prices: 串通固定价格
  17. Collude to control resources: 串通控制资源
  18. Collude to silence whistleblowers: 串通压制告密者
  19. Collude to influence government decisions: 串通影响政府决策
  20. Collude to exploit laborers: 串通剥削劳工
  21. Collude to engage in illegal activities: 串通进行非法活动
  22. Collude to manipulate public opinion: 串通操纵舆论
  23. Collude to evade regulations: 串通规避法规
  24. Collude to defraud investors: 串通欺诈投资者
  25. Collude to facilitate money laundering: 串通便利洗钱
  26. Collude to smuggle contraband: 串通走私违禁品
  27. Collude to leak confidential information: 串通泄露机密信息
  28. Collude to engage in insider trading: 串通从事内幕交易
  29. Collude to manipulate public contracts: 串通操纵公共合同
  30. Collude to bribe officials: 串通贿赂官员
  31. Collude to undermine national security: 串通破坏国家安全
  32. Collude to engage in cybercrime: 串通从事网络犯罪
  33. Collude to evade sanctions: 串通规避制裁
  34. Collude to manipulate scientific research: 串通操纵科学研究
  35. Collude to exploit natural resources: 串通开采自然资源
  36. Collude to engage in human trafficking: 串通从事人口贩卖
  37. Collude to suppress dissenting voices: 串通压制异议声音
  38. Collude to manipulate public elections: 串通操纵公众选举
  39. Collude to commit acts of terrorism: 串通实施恐怖行动
  40. Collude to sabotage competitors: 串通破坏竞争对手
  41. Collude to engage in tax evasion: 串通逃避税收
  42. Collude to engage in intellectual property theft: 串通进行知识产权盗窃
  43. Collude to manipulate online reviews: 串通操纵网上评论
  44. Collude to engage in money laundering: 串通洗钱活动
  45. Collude to evade import/export regulations: 串通规避进出口规定
  46. Collude to engage in illegal arms trade: 串通进行非法武器交易
  47. Collude to engage in environmental pollution: 串通造成环境污染
  48. Collude to engage in human rights abuses: 串通进行人权侵犯
  49. Collude to manipulate energy markets: 串通操纵能源市场
  50. Collude to engage in insider information sharing: 串通共享内部信息
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
